Chapter sixty

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Y/n's Point Of View
Hours later

The group that went to the sanctuary hadn't come back yet and I was getting worried I was standing on one of the guard areas, and turns out Rosita went to go look for Michonne so it was just me and Carl taking care of Alexandria. Carl at the moment was with Judith at our house I was hoping Daryl or Tara would be back by now, maybe Eric or Aaron but a pregnant woman and her husband along with a few Alexandrians aren't enough to protect this place if Negan comes.

Carl had moved Siddiq into the sewer system below us he didn't want his dad to see him just yet only two people knew about him and that was possibly Enid if she was even here and Rosita, I soon saw a red car coming in the direction of the gates I could faintly see Michonne I quickly jumped down and opend up the gate for her to drive in. I closed the gate and then ran to Michonne "Well what does it look like, is Negan dead?" I asked hopefully, Cark came over holding Judith with a smile "Well the Sanctuary is trapped and whoever is left inside is trapped as well, we aren't to sure about Negan though" she answered reaching for Judith.


It was dark now and Carl was taking some more food to Siddiq I was walking around Alexandria when I heard bangs at the gate then a speaker or whatever "You might be wondering why there was to warning to my arrival" I heard Negan say with a chuckle "You lose it's over, now yall line up in front of your houses and start working up some apologies and the person with the lamest one is gonna get killed. And then I kill Rick in front of all you, now you got three minutes to open this gate before we bomb the shit outta you!" I heard Negan say, and then he started whistling through the speaker my eyes widened and I started running towards Carl's house. I busted in and ran upstairs grabbing Judith I ran back out to see Michonne "Here go get everyone else and tell them hide in the sewers" she said talking Jude, I started run running through the community pounding on doors and telling everyone to get to the sewer.

Once everyone was running to the sewer I saw Carl walking to the tower I ran up next to him "Don't even think about telling me to go to the sewer, it's not happening I'm staying with you" I said looking at him he sighed, the two of us started climbing up "Okeydokey Rick, you brought this on yourself. I tried to be nice but you just had to fuck it up, now it's time to light this place up" Negan said. Soon me and Carl where at the top looking at Negan "He's not here!" Carl shouted Negans head snapped in our direction along with guns "Holy shit hold your fire is Carl and his lovely wife Y/n" he said with a smile "Look at you two answering the door like a big boy and girl I'm proud, Daddy's not home huh. Or well Carl's daddy isn't home" he said with a grin.

"There's family's in her kids,my little and pregnant wife" Carl said in anger I held on tightly to his hand worried of what Negan would do "Well that shit just breaks my heart, theres kids at the Sanctuary you must of seen em. We even had a little baby at one of the outposts I wonder what happened to her" Negan said looking at us "None of this shit's fair kid, hell you know that you had to kill your own mom. Thats screwed up." He said "Ergo we need someone in charge whose willin to make sure that shit doesn't happen, ohhh wait that's me" Negan said lifting his arms "Bad stuff does happen, we can figure this out" Carl said "We can work in peace work together, each community with a leader and no killin each other" I said jumping in.

Negan laughed "Oh now you want to talk, you see Rick is determined to have me 6 feet under. You gave my people a choice not me we're gonna need apologie-" Negan was quickly cut off by Carl "Kill me!" He said I looked at him my eyes, I shook my head "Carl no" I whispered Negan stopped talking and was looking up at us he walked forward "What did you say?" He asked "You said you had to kill someone, there has to be punishment kill me. As long as it's not my family or wife and unborn child then kill me" he said. He had a tight grip on my hand and I choked out a sob "I'm serious" he said "You wanna die?" Negan asked looking up at the two of us Carl shook his head "No I don't, I have a wife and unborn child. And I'll do whatever it takes to protect them, even if it means I die" he said looking at me, it felt as if my heart was being smashed into a thousand pieces.

"Is this the plan is this who you wanted to be?" Carl asked looking at him soon we heard cars break through the fence I looked at Carl confused and he quickly pulled me down, I heard Negan shouting "Son of a bitch Carl, was that all a play? I thought we where havin a moment you little asshole!" He shouted "That's it bombs away!" Negan shouted and with that the sounds of explosions rang out. I fell off the lader and I quickly stood up Carl handed me some smoke bombs, I started throwing them to the ground and I watched as the whole community got bombed. I was flown forward by the impact of an explosion "Y/n!" Carl shouted he quickly ran to me and picked me up "I'm okay, I just got the wind knocked out of me" I said, me and Carl ran through the smoke and I saw people coming in I couldn't tell if it was our people or not. I held onto Carl's hand as we ran through the smoke I watched as Rick's house erupted into smoke and an explosion, my ears where ringing like hell I held onto Carl's hand tightly "Where do we hide?" I asked terrified.

"The sewers we can make it!" He shouted we ran for the sewer and we quickly opend the cover I jumped in first then Carl, I looked around at all the people inside and I instantly ran to Judith I picked her up and hugged her she made a cooing sound and I smiled. I looked over at Carl who had a look of relief on his face I handed him Judith and I saw Siddiq sitting there awkwardly.


About thirty minutes later Michonne, Rick, Tara, Rosita, and Daryl arrived Michonne and Rick instantly ran to Carl and Judith, I stood there and smiled I looked over at Daryl and smiled he walked up hugging me "Glad your okay kid" he said with a smile I smiled and I jumped at the sound of an explosion. Rick looked around "We need to get to Hilltop, take Sanctuary there till Negan is gone and we can come back and rebuild this place." Rick explained. Everyone nodded in agreement and then Rick noticed Siddiq "Whose he?" Rick asked looking at Carl "His name is Siddiq, he's the guy you shot at" Carl explained, Rick smiled "Welcome to the family now let's get the hell outta here" he said.

Everyone started filing out and I looked at each person "Wait where is Jon?!" I asked scared Daryl was right behind me and looked at me "He should be at Hilltop" Daryl answered, I siged in relief and our small little group slowly mad it's way to Hilltop.

Negan will pay


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