Chapter sixty five

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Y/n's Point Of View

I was out scavenging I was currently riding through a town killing walkers on the way my hair was up in a bun(if you have shorter hair ignore this), I sigh and I pull my horse to a stop getting off it I pat my horse and I look around not seeing any walkers. I walk into a small store and I look around I saw a backpack on the ground it looked like someone had dropped it, I looked around the store and I pick up the back I looked inside finding some homemade throwing knifes along with a few other things. I walk back outside and I tie the bag to my horse I mount my horse and I slowly start my journey back home.

On the way home I decided to stop at the bridge to talk with Carl I dismount my horse and I see one of the Saviors looking at me, I walk up to them "Have you seen my husband, he usually has a sheriff's hat on" I said. He nodded and pointed me in the direction of the camp I give him my thanks and I head over to the camp, I see Carl talking with Daryl by the medical tent I run up to Carl and hug him he looked at me in shock "Y/n what are you doing here, whose watching Cameron?" He asked.

"Cameron is fine I left him with Ashley, I went out to scavenge and I wanted to come and say hi and see how everything was going" he sighed in relief, I let out a chuckle "Well how's everything goin?" I asked he shrugged "A Savior was found dead and it's really going to hell here, I'm worried" he said I grabbed onto his hand "Ask to stay home, spend time with Cam. He misses you and I'm always out dealing with work or being stuck with Negan's old ass" I said.

Daryl made a grunting sound and I looked up at him forgetting her was there "Go home kid, go spend some time with your son and wife. I'll tell your dad I let you go" Daryl said, I smiled and hugged him "Thanks Daryl, you should come see Cammy. You've never seen him and I'm sure he'd love to meet you" I said with a smile. He shrugged "Maybe, now go both of ya" he said I smiled and I grabbed Carl's hand and dragged him away, I quickly mounted my horse and he mounted his.

Me and Carl rode together quietly "Y/n?" He asked I looked over "Yes Carl?" I asked "I think I want another kid" I heard him murmur, I look at him in shock "Well I would love another kid but how would we even be able to do anything with Cameron in the house?" I asked. He shrugged "We could leave him with my dad, or Ashley" he said I chuckled "Alright Grimes" I said with a smile, my horse started started acting up meaning a Walker or walkers where nearby.

I pulled out my katana and I looked around I saw a little group of walkers walking forward I pulled my horse to a stop, they weren't coming in our direction they where just walking forward and they could definitely smell us and the horses "What the fuck" I muttered. Carl was looking at them with me confused as well "I'm so confused, what the hell" he muttered, I looked at him and put my katana away "Let's just get home, this is some weird shit" I said kicking the side of my horse gaining some speed Carl behind me.

Soon we made it home and Rosita walked up to us taking our horses I gave her a nod and I started walking towards Ashley's, I stopped near Michonne and Rick's house "Fuck I hope someone fed that sack of shit" I muttered. I looked over at Carl "Can you go get Cam I'm gonna go home and quickly make something for that sack of shit" I said, he nodded and walked off I ran to out house I quickly ran into the kitchen and I threw together together a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with some cut up tomatoes on the side.

I put everything on a trey and I quickly made my way out of my house heading to the prison I nodded at Alex who was at the door I was surprised it wasn't James or Jake there, I walked in Jon was in there and he looked angry "I should've killed you at the Sanctuary when I had the chance" he said angrily. He heard the door closed and looked at me "Oh hey Y/n" he said I smiled at him and I set the trey down "Can you eat without me here for once, I have a son to take care of" I said crossing my arms, Negan chuckled "Well maybe, but I actually wanted to hear some more stories. Maybe some about you and that girl ugh what was her name...." he thought for a minute.

I knew who he was talking about but I didn't want to say her name "Kate...?" Jon asked a hint of sadness in his voice "Ah yes her, tell me what happened to her" he said, I stood there stunned I took a deep breath I hadn't even told Jon what happened to her yet and it's been so long since she died "She was shot..." I muttered. Jon rubbed my arm "Go on, tell the whole story" Negan said eagerly "We went to go save a girl named Beth Maggie's sister along with Carol, they where at the hospital with corrupted cops a young boy named Noah told us where she was and we went to save her. It was maybe a few days after me and Carl's wedding we kidnapped a few of their cops three, but one of them got killed we met up with them inside and they gave us Carol and we gave them one of theres...." I paused for a second and I took a deep breath.

"We sent their other cop as soon as Beth came in our direction Beth stopped and said something to officer Dawn I think I can't really remember, she stabbed her and and a gunshot went off and she shot Beth right in front of us. Kate ran forward I- i don't know why another officer shot her right in front of me. Her life less body fell on me since I was in the front, after that I.....I shot one of there men maybe two" by now I was fully in tears my nails digging into my hand, Negan had a look of sympathy on his face "Hey kid I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked. Go spend time with your kid I'll finish this" he said.

I stood up and walked out Jon behind me I sighed and he looked at me "I wish I found you guys, I wish I was able to see her one last time and hear her voice one last time" he murmured, I hugged him "I need to get home to Cam and Carl, I'll see you later" I said with a smile he nodded and I quickly made my way home. I wiped my tears away and walked inside Carl was playing with Cameron on the ground, both of them looked up as I walked in I smiled and sat down on the ground with them.

Carl rubbed my thigh and I looked over at him and smiled Cameron crawled over to me and opend his mouth some sound came out then something I never expected to happen "Ma" he said softly, I looked over at Carl my eyes wide I picked up Cameron and sat him on my lap "Say that again baby" he opened his mouth "M-ma" he stuttered out. I smiled "Our baby said his first words" I said smiling looking at Carl he kissed me on the cheek, the rest of the day the three of us played and me and Carl tried getting Cameron to talk more. Eventually I had to get up and make dinner for us and some food for Negan, I still couldn't get my mind off those walkers we saw.

Is this happiness going to end?


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