Chapter 16: I Can't Decide If That's Funny Or Serial Killer-like

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"You know that Jenny girl's brother? I found out his name is Dave and boy is he hot. Not even hot, that boy is SEXY," Heath helps me with my assignment.

"Really?" I ask.

"So hot. I definitely want to meet up with him. If you know what I'm saying. Plus, we made eye contact. Not the regular kind. The 'I wanna rip your clothes off' kind!"

"Whose clothes are we ripping off?" Axel pops his head into the room.

"I find Jenny's older brother very attractive. I would love to do the aforementioned." Heath sighs gleefully

Axel smiles that damn smile, and shakes his head in amusement.

"Dinner's ready. And Juliet, no hummus, you're allergic," Axel warns and I whine.

He knows I like it too much and always try to sneak some in.

But I'd be lying if I said that him remembering little things about me wasn't damn loveable. Because it was. And that just made the whole 'space' concept harder.

I wonder if it was the same for him.


Around midnight, when I couldn't sleep, I got his text.

Can't sleep too? Chase's text read.

No. How'd you know?

Your lights are still on.

Is that what you do in your free time? Check if other people's lights are on?

No. Maybe you're a special case ;)

I can't decide if that's funny or serial killer-like. I admit.

I'd go with funny. Gives me brownie points, right?

In your dreams. Is what I last text him before I drift off to sleep.


"Hey partner." My psychology partner, also know as Chase, greets.


"You're a volunteer in that damn school carnival tonight, right? Me too." He hops into the seat next to mine.

"I was forced into it. Axel thought going out would be good for me back when we were-", I stop myself. Stupid mouth.

"Back when you were dating." Chase completes, not a hint of judgement in his eyes. I nod.

"Well, I'll bother you all night." I change the conversation.

He smiles. A charming smile. "I'm looking forward to it."


"No." I decline immediately.

"Yes." Scar smiles.

"I mean, that is sexy as shit." Heath chirps in.

"Yeah." Parker agrees.

"Which is why she won't wear it." Max adds.

"We don't wanna be body guards all night, keeping you away from boys." Mason reasons.

"It's short. And backless. Are you insane? When I asked you to go buy a dress for me that I could wear tonight, I didn't mean this, Scar! You knew I had no time because I was training with Mason and Max." I rant angrily.

"Exactly. Axel's going to die." Scar laughs heartily and Heath nudges him.

"I don't know." I drawl.

"Well, I do. Go get ready. We leave in a while.

Oh Lord, let's see what this brings.


"Juliet!" Axel yells from downstairs. "We're leaving!"

I run down the stairs.

"Chase is picking me up." I inform. We were working on the same booths, so we thought we'd go together.

"Oh?" Axel says and then he turns around and his lips part.

His eyes rake all over my body and I suddenly feel self-conscious.

"What?" I ask after a few seconds.

"Nothing." He snaps out of it. "You, uh- look good. Really good. You look... beautiful. Not that you don't always, it's just the dress and your-" He stops himself when my eyebrows shoot up.

Chase's car honks from outside.

"Gotta go." I walk past Axel.

He groans a little and I turn around.

"Are you okay?"

"Your dress. It's backless." He seems breathless.


"I, have to uh- go." He walks away abruptly.

What just happened?

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