Chapter 20: What's His Name? Follow Or Something?

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As I walk towards the car I feel shuffling behind me.

I turn around. "Hello?"

Nothing. Weird.

I continue walking, the faster I get my things, the faster I can get the heck out of here.

I lock Chase's car once I have my things and a pair of strong hands slam me against the car, causing me to drop my wallet.

"My, my, now aren't you a pretty little thing?" The man pins me against the car.

I feel goosebumps rising on my skin as my heartbeat accelerates.

Praying the M&Ms' lessons have paid off, I knee him in the groin. He loosens his hold on me.

I punch his throat, elbow his ear, using every single self-defense move I can recall.

He groans and he's clearly in pain but not nearly enough.

I push him to he floor with all my strength. He pulls my leg and I fall on the floor next to me.

He punches me in the stomach and I let out a small grunt.

Oh, I'll show you.

I kick his stomach. Repeatedly. Rising on my feet, I lift his head up using his hair and land a punch straight to his nose, twice, hearing a crack.

Blood stains his face.

"Who do you work for?" I ask.

"Like I'd tell you. Boss is very angry. It won't end well for you." He grits.

I punch him again. "When I ask you something, I expect an answer."

"I can't tell you. He'll kill me. But," he sighs. "He's a Hellcaster. Friend of Amos."

"He started the fire?"

"No, he paid someone to do it for him. Someone right here."

Before I can question him, he uses his strength to flip me to the ground, my head hitting the road.

I wince in pain, as he runs, or rather limps to his newly created portal.

"Juliet!" Heath runs in, picking me off of the floor, steadying me. Chase is right behind him.

"We've been looking everywhere for you." Heath hugs me tight then pulls back to check for any injuries.

"Are you crazy?! Going off alone?! Are you hurt? I'll take you to the hospital." He pulls his phone out, and I'm too distraught to answer. My head feels like someone is setting it on fire.

"I'm so sorry-" Chase begins and the M&Ms roll in.

"Stupid fricking idiot." They yell on and on and my head hurts more and as Parker walks in, he stops them, understanding it wasn't what I needed to hear then.

I thought they yelled, Scar was worse.

"I swear to God, you don't have half a working brain. What propelled you to run off into the dark like an idiot?!" He's running across the parking lot with Axel to get to me.

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