Chapter 52: I'm The Kind Of Baboon That People Like

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"She's not coming, she's out, celebrating with the love of her life," Scar chews on his apple.

"Then I'll eat the damn spaghetti," I say, stirring the sauce of the aforementioned dish.

"You can always feed the birthday boy when he wakes up tomorrow morning. He seriously doesn't celebrate at midnight? And you guys let him sleep?"

I nod. "Sleep is very important to him. Plus, he's very cranky without it. Scar, how bored are you, exactly? I mean, you're willingly spending time with me."

He snorts. "You're not the worst company. Better than Lockwood out there."

At least Chase is gone

"Jealous," I cough and he glares at me.

"For J's sake, I hope she gets some good ol' birthday sex from her ex," he pokes his tongue out.

I gape at him. "I hate you," I throw a spatula at him.

He throws a spoon and a series of things proceed to be thrown across the kitchen.

"You stupid baboon!" is what comes out of my mouth.

"I'm the kind of baboon that people like. No one likes your kind!" he retorts proceeding to throw something at me.

We're mature adults, I swear.

"Guys!" A familiar voice rings through the kitchen.

J stands there, angrily, hands on her hips.

Cam laughs behind her. "Oh man, see I told you we should go to the kitchen first."

"I seriously can't leave you guys alone for a few hours?" J asks, tapping her foot.

Scar checks his watch, a little flour dusting his face. "Happy birthday...?"

J shakes her head. "Go get cleaned up, both of you, I'll clean this mess up."



And with that both of us are out of the kitchen.



"No, no, no," I push the photo album away after I finish my call with Val.

She couldn't make it today but she obviously wanted to come. Her dad's not cool with her spending so much time with Mase.

"But we like your baby pictures," Max defends, clutching the photo album.

"Yeah, you were such a cutie, what happened?" Cam teases and I shove him away.

The bell rings. "I'll go get it," I get up.

As I swing the door open to face the humid air, I see Chase standing there awkwardly, twisting the ring on his pinky around. I've never seen him without it.

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