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It's been a week. A long, agonizingly painful week.

Parker and I seem to have fallen into a bit of a routine. He doesn't go to therapy here, because we were actually normal kids here and so we'd have to explain to our father why we wanted to scorch a hole into our already burnt wallets.

He wouldn't mind, I'm sure, but he'd be concerned and we'd have to lie to him. And he's actually really wonderful in this timeline and I don't want to have to lie to people I care about.

So, Parker started going to the school counselor, I'm sure he describes his problems using a bunch of metaphors, he's always been better at lying than me. I can't do what he does.

Sure, I want to talk about what I'm feeling. But I don't know what I'm feeling. And I want to talk to Parker about it and I know he'll be there to listen anytime that I need him.

But I can't help but think that I'd be adding my problems onto his.

Everyday, I go to school, come back home, study and when it's 6, I have two shifts at a cafe that lasts till almost midnight.

Parker and Dad don't like that very much. But we really need the money.

And it keeps my mind off of things.

Myra and Alden visit whenever they can, they tell me that Heaven is in chaos.

People are split, confused. But Den and Myra tell me not to worry. Obviously, I don't believe them.

It's weird living in my old house but simultaneously it feels eerily natural. I suppose that's what you get when two minds from different timelines combine. Dad being nice makes it weirder, in a good way.

I miss my friends and I'm sure they're trying to reach me as soon as they can, but I can't help but feel lonely.

Friday arrives at last, and I rejoice in the small victory of not having to work today.

And so I spend my time at a small orphanage for special children that I enjoy volunteering at.

I sit there on the side after finishing my assigned work, all the kids play together, thinking about what I'm always thinking about. Or who, more specifically.


Dan, a small boy of 5 comes running to me from the playground.

"Juliet! Look," he cries, pointing at his knee and I see a drop of a blood coming from an ant-sized scratch.

"Oh no, what happened?" I pull him down to sit next to me.

"I was running and I fell. I think the ground doesn't like me, I'm always falling," he scrunches his nose.

I laugh, ruffling his hair.

"Can you fix me?" he asks.

I can't fix myself, might as well fix his knee.

"Sure, I'll get a band-aid," I get inside the big house, looking through a messy drawer.

Once I'm done cleaning and treating his wound, he asks me a question.

"Why do you look so sad?"

I look up. "I don't look sad."

He shakes his head and his brown hair bounces. "Did your husband leave you?"

I laugh. "I don't have a husband."


I sigh. Was I really going to talk about my problems to a little kid?

"Yeah, he... left me."

His tiny eyes narrow. "When you see him again, bring him to me, I'll punch him and he'll love you again." He collides his fists together for dramatic effect.

"He won't love me," I say, noticing the sadness in my own tone.


I shrug.

"Don't worry, when I'm older and rich, you can come live with me," he offers, excitement playing in his eyes.


"I'll buy you all the Nutella in the world," he declares, his chin high.

"How could I refuse?" I smile.

"I'm gonna go play now, Joel thinks he's better than me at soccer, he's really not but I think he wants to make a good inression on Jessica," he gets up.

"It's impression," I break into laughter because of how adorable he is.

"Yeah, yeah. Thanks for fixing me up Juliet, you're the best," he hugs me before running to the play ground.

With that, I see Parker's jeep pull up in front of the main gate, we drive home in silence and when we reach he runs to the house.

"Can you get my stuff? I need to pee!" Park runs hysterically.

I shake my head. Parker and his pee.

Carrying his huge sport-kit-things, I walk towards my door. Okay, this is easy, in fact-

With that thought I fall to the ground, tripping over a pebble, ignoring the sound of a car pulling up.

"Oh God, are you okay?" I hear a familiar voice that I haven't heard in years.

I look up.

Mia. Oh my God. She's here. I knew she was alive but this was so... weird.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine," I say.

Hunter walks up next to her and I stop myself from getting up and hugging him.

"You're Juliet, aren't you? Nick Hastings is your father?" He pulls me up, and I'm in awe of him not knowing me or calling me 'kiddo'.

"Um... uh, yeah," I say. Real smooth.

What are you doing?!

"We're college friends, thought we'd stop by," Hunter says and Mia smiles excitedly.

"Uh yeah, he's- he's inside. Please, after you," I say, encouraging him to go in and so he does, pulling his wife along.

The calm starry night that hovers over me brings with it a new, riveting sensation as I stare at my house and the guests walking in.

And for once in this week, I feel something lively in me.

I hear light footsteps approaching me and I turn around.

Upon seeing the boy coming towards me, I nearly lose my balance again.

I'm so stupid! If his parents are here then he's likely here too.

He stops right in front of me running his hands through the same messy brown hair.

We both stand there for a second, awkward in silence.

"Hi," he smiles, offering his hand to shake. "I'm Axel."

I don't reply.

He tilts his head, bending a little to level his eyes with mine, smiling slightly. "I don't bite."

I come out of my shock, staring at his brilliant eyes and meeting my hand with his as I smile.

"I'm Juliet."

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