Chapter 18: Too Lazy To Switch The Lights On

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I love her because she steals my socks,
I love her because when I find her in them they never match,
I love her because they are too big
and the grey part for the heel sits far too high
but she doesn't notice.
I love her because she wears them to sleep and one always falls off
and she wakes up in the night and can never find it,
and her foot is cold.

That's why I love her.



"Listen," I told the girl from our class who was flirting with me. "I'm really sorry but I'm not interested-"

She rolls her eyes and walks away. Wow.

Parker snorts.

"Shut up." I throw a ring at him.

"You might wanna see that. Or not." Scar remarks, letting out a low whistle.

I turn to follow his gaze and what the hell?!

Why is Juliet working the kissing booth?! And Chase?! Fricking Chase?!

I'll rip his head off!

And I can do that!

She looked uncomfortable and I almost strode over to take Chase's place.

But the M&Ms beat me to it. "We got this."

They run over and pretend to be the cleaning committee and I can't help but laugh.

For once Scar and I peacefully laugh together. Where was Heath?

Oh right, he's spending the night flirting with Jenny's older brother, Dave, who's taller than all of us.

It's weird.

But Heath is into him so hey, whatever.

At one point, Mason pushes Chase away and dusts him down and Juliet looks mortified.

Yeah, yeah. I'm out of here.

"I thought you guys were in love. I don't see you doing shit, man, especially considering some other guy is trying to kiss your girl." Scar remarks, sipping on his Sprite.

"She's not mine." I say dejectedly.

"Yeah, you're right. Young love, comes and goes. You'll love someone else the way you love her one day, right?" He's egging me on and I see it, but since I'm already on edge, I snap.

"Yeah right. Someone else is gonna love me like her. If you have difficulty remembering, she died for me. Every night, she'd stay up till late making sure I'm asleep and not having nightmares, then she'd complain it's so hot and she'll go to sleep without a blanket." I rant.

"And then, she wakes up looking for my socks in the closet, too lazy to switch the lights on. No matter how cold it gets, she sleeps in my t-shirt. She'll attempt to bake and burn the cake, then compete in some stupid cooking competition with me. She never wakes up on time. Always procrastinates. Obsesses over books. Sits with me when I'm sad and cracks lame jokes until I smile."

"So to answer your question, no. I'll never love anyone like I love her." I sigh and he smiles at me slightly.

He finally got me to stop bottling my feelings up. Maybe he wasn't a suckish friend after all.

He smiles and nudges me. "You're welcome."

I let out a small laugh.

"If you love her so much, why can't you fight for her?" He asks like it's the simplest thing in the world.

"She wants space." I remind myself more than I remind him.

"Chase has got nothing on you, well, when you get your head right again." He gives me a little shoulder punch and walks away, but he stops and turns around.

He steps closer, his eyes turning steely. "But if you ever make her cry like that again, I'll rip your arm off and feed it to you and then lightning is gonna pour all over you and thunder is gonna provide the background music. Have a good time!"

He smiles walking away. Right. Lightning and thunder. One of his powers.

I shake my head, heading towards my car, ready to leave this place

As I walk towards the car, and the single streetlight illuminates the road, I hear ruffling behind me.

I turn around. "Hello? Anyone there?"

I toy around in my pocket looking for the small makeshift Clinen dagger.

"Axel Reed." The familiar voice steps out.

I sigh. "Lloyd, we meet again. Yay."

"You have to come with me." He informs nonchalantly. "Boss's orders."

"And who is your boss?"

"Can't say."

I turn around, heading for the car. "I don't have time for this."

I hear his rushed footsteps behind me, nearing by the second.

He ends up slamming me against a car, I move to the side before he can punch me.

I land an uppercut on him.

And he retaliates by punching me in the face, busting my lip.

I pounce on him and we fall and as I punch him so hard that I hear a crack in his nose and it begins to bleed uncontrollably, the blood staining his lips and teeth, he winces but then begins to laugh.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I grit.

"I enjoy wasting your time. They probably took her by now." He laughs.

I feel goosebumps rising all over me, all my sense have heightened. "What?"

"She's gone. With any luck, for her own good, she died an easy death. Only one person was sent to get her. She can't fight for shit, I'm sure, I've seen her, she got lucky with beating me last time." He grits and I tighten my (what I'm sure is painful) hold on him. He groans.

"Where?" I ask and he just laughs.

"Answer the damn question." I grit.

"Parking lot. Save her if you can. Or some more blood's on your hands."

I can't breathe but with all my energy (and bleeding lip) I run for the parking lot as fast as I can.

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