Chapter 51: Yeah, Well, I'm Amazing

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"No way, stop it," I push away Cam when he tickles me.

"You know, that was the fourth time we went on that rollercoaster," he laughs, his eyes crinkling by the corner.

"I'm aware," I say as I place our orders at the milkshake store.

"You still remember my order," he remarks.

"Of course I do."

Soon, we finish our milkshakes and head towards the barely crowded side.

Sitting on the grass away from the milkshake store, I soak the scenery in. The lights by the ferris wheel, the faint streetlights I can see on my left side. The moon and the stars that strung along it and the boy next to me.

I sigh, closing my eyes and leaning back my head, enjoying the hum of the children and their laughter all around the amusement park.

"I miss you," Cam says sadly.

"We text almost everyday," I remind him.

"I know, but when I'm texting I can't see you smile like that," he nudges me lightly.

Slowly, I confess. "I miss you, too."

He lets out a low laugh. "You never admit you miss someone."

"I don't mind admitting it to you."

"Yeah," he sighs. "But you hesitate, even after everything we've been through. I mean I see you here today, and on the outside you're so happy and full of life. J, these people care about you. But something's wrong."

I stiffen. "Nothing's wrong."

He looks at me skeptically. "You're still a bad liar. Anyways, I've been meaning to ask, what's the update on you and Reed?"

I lie down, keeping my head in his lap, enjoying the familiarity. "There's nothing to say, we're over, looks like he doesn't really care anymore."

He laughs. Like actually laughs. "You're so blind."


"Look, I'm not a big fan of the guy, I mean he left you for some dumb reason when you needed him the most but it's so obvious from the way he looks at you. He is so in love with you. I don't think he even realizes how into you he is."

Purposely ignoring the last part, I say, "I just- he did leave me when I most needed him but he feels bad now, but he's just so.. distant."

Suddenly, when I look up to the boy playing with my hair, I see a disdainful look in his eyes. "Bad, my ass."

"Oh come on-"

"How much have you even told him, huh?"

"Not much."

"Exactly, J, he wasn't the one who used to stay with you for as long as possible pretending to do homework just to make sure your dad doesn't beat you up as soon as he gets home."

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