Book one: Chapter thirteen

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Luigi's POV

"Sei un tale idiota Luigi." Giuseppe, my other best friend, the one I trust most among my friends, lashed out at me for the millionth time in Italian, the language he uses when he's pissed today and snatched the glass of vodka from my hand, setting it before him. (You such an idiot Luigi."

"lol so, lo so Giuseppe." I attempted to snatch the alcohol from him but failed miserably. I'm drunk to the core making me lose control of everything even my normal self but not my senses, I'm very much aware of the conversation we're having now. (I know, I know Giuseppe.)

"Sai di accettare che hai in casinato alla grande? (So you accept you messed up big time?)

"Si." I tug at my hair in frustration, the truth really hurts and that's how it feels right now. I know I messed up big time which had caused me to lose my most loyal worker, the very same I gave the responsibility of the company and gala preparations to. How I'm I going to face my parents especially my father, should the gala turn out to be a disaster, a complete disgrace to our family dignity considering the number of top notch profiles in this country who will be attending. Just because of my stupid actions. (Yes.)

"Quindi fare,ammendate." I wish I knew how to do that, I would have done it in a heartbeat. I'm now a dead meat without her in the office, attending to my every need like the dutiful employee she is. (Then make amends.)

"Non è cosi facile perte dirlo." (No it's not as easy as you say.)

efficiente e labriosa?" (She's efficient and hardworking?)

"Si." (Yes.)

"Dedicato?" (Dedicated?)

"Si stupido!." I'm honestly getting fed up with his never ending questions, I don't even know what he's trying to prove or how it'll solve this shit. Why did I even call him here when I knew he wouldn't make any sense, he's as stupid as I am. Always making mistakes and letting our money pay for them. (Yes stupid!)

"Leale?" (Loyal?)

"Edici Bella?" (And you say beautiful?"

"Very." Deandra's beautiful, innocent and captivating face comes into vision. The light freckles on her cheeks bones and plump lips, oh my! that I stole glances at anytime she was by my side. Even in my drunken state, I still remember them vividly. Very tempting, too bad I missed my chance.

"Allora  scusarsi con lei e fare ammenda, lei è un groiello. Hai visto quanto sei sprecato da quando se n'è andata." (Then sarole sacoli apologize to her and make amends, she is a groiello. You have seen how much you have been wasted since she left.)

I nod, "Sai che sono un Ginanni, non prego." His voice pulls me out of my daydreaming of Deandra's lips, into the present, where I'm still being questioned by this idiotic friend of mine here. I wish he will get out of here and leave me alone to gulp down glasses upon glasses of alochol into my system. At least, it's going to make me forget this shitty situation I'm in. (You know I'm a Gianni, I don't beg.)

"Eppure sei umano, che cosa ti è vermente venuto in mente? I remained silent, unable to answer his question. That's one question I've kept asking myself, what the hell came over me? I remember being pissed because of the phone call and Deandra's look because I threw the iPad away and left to my room, thinking it was going to get me out of that mood but nah. My infatuation or love or whatever I want to call it, with Zuri made me check out their church page and fortunately, her performance from that night was captured. (Yet you're human, what really came into your mind?)

As I watched it, I saw resemblance between her and Deandra, the striking similarities were too confusing. There and then I decided there was only one way to find out, if truly the girl I'm so smitten with is Deandra for real or it's just my own illusion of trying to convince myself they are the same people just because they're black and beautiful. Yeah I gotta admit Deandra's beautiful, like my Zuri.

I knew she was cooking dinner then and will soon come up to my room to call me downstairs so I busied myself, looking on my phone when I heard her knock on my door.

She entered, telling me dinner is ready like I predicted. Maybe it was my imagination or maybe not but I saw her change into Zuri, then herself, again to Zuri and finally back to herself.

It was tormenting, I couldn't take it anymore. I put my plan into action, walking towards her and doing something I've been meaning to do, trail my fingers on her body. I loved how she responded to my touch: goosebumps and shivers!

It boosted me to do more and I regretted it. Calling her a slut, something I'm never going to utter again. I saw red in her eyes, anger and hurt. I was too deep into my stupid accusation and insults to back out, I watched as she broke into tears right before me. My heart broke, why I'm I too harsh towards women, especially the poor? It isn't their fault and not all of them are like that if Tamara my ex did that, it doesn't mean Deandra, Zuri or the rest out there would.

It was too late when remorse engulfed me, she had already quit and was out of my room and probably out of my house and life. Forever. I'd lost my best employee, the only assistant who ever stood up to me and put up with all my nonsense and the woman who reminded me so much of my secret crush, Zuri.

My pride as a man, a Gianni and celebrated and loved celebrity didn't give me heart to go up to her and beg till she forgives me. Now here I am, getting drunk to forget this whole thing. Alcohol isn't solving it but this case, it's helping me not remember it. A mere reminder of it makes my heart twitch, like it's doing right now.

Translation for the Italian in the text:
You're such an idiot Luigi
I know, I know Giuseppe
So you accept you messed up big time?
So make amends
Non, it's not easy as you say
She efficient and hard working?
Yes stupid
And you say beautiful?

😒 mmh mmh, So we've read his side of  the whole ish. In my case he's guilty asf😑 idk about you, what do you also think?

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