Book three: Chapter seven

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Luigi's POV

Yawning, I walked into the house, slamming the front door shut before making my way to my bedroom. I squinted my eyes which are so heavy with sleep in order to see well as I walked and not stumble into anything, wishing I was already in bed.

I'm damn sleepy, today was one hell of a busy and tiring day at work. Right after finishing the first scene for the new movie I'm shooting, I had a call from my old man asking me to go over to the company. His health hasn't been good lately so he hardly goes to work and like before, I stepped in for him today although I've quite the corporate business.

The shoot was tiring and so was work, due to his absence, there were lost of works piled up waiting for me when I went there. I managed to complete most of it and had to skip lunch in the process, it was worth it cause in the end, money was made.

Aside being sleepy, I have this throbbing headache that I badly want to get rid off. I'm sure it's as a result of being under stress and not having a good sleep. How would I when I have a nagging best friend who's supposedly carrying my child, living under my roof and treats me like I'm her husband or something.

When she starts her nagging shit, I'm like bitch, you aren't my wife or're only carrying my child so act your place. But of course I don't tell her that, I just say it in my head cause if I blurt it out loud, Niagara Falls will have its twin in my house. She's become so sensitive due to the pregnancy, she cries and gets mood over petty issues that aren't worth anyone's time.

I walked into my room and met her sitting on the bed. I avoided looking her way or talking to her as I dropped my phone, wallet and keys on the couch then trudged into the bathroom.

No sooner had I gotten in there than Paris also entered with a bland face, she stood at the door then crossed her hands over her chest before clearing her throat. "Why are you coming home this late?"

"Why are you asking me this question?"

"Answer me Lui, why are you coming home at this time of the night when you should have been here hours ago?"

"Last time I checked, you were neither my girlfriend, lover, wife or even a fling so who the fuck are you to ask me a question as stupid as that."

"Yes, but last time we all checked, I am the mother of your unborn child so that gives me the right to question you on your whereabouts."

"Well listen to me, you're carrying a child I don't know how it was made because I don't remember, I'm only tolerating you here because I don't want to make a mistake that I'll regret later. That doesn't give you the permission or right to act like you're my wife, even Zuri who was the love of my life didn't behave like you do."

"Oh so this is about here right? You were with her through out all those hours I was waiting for you, getting worried sick about you and you know it's not good for the baby. Can't you just keep it in your—"

"Shut the fuck and go to bed okay, that is good for the baby and instead of worrying about things that doesn't concern you, channel that energy into taking good care of yourself and the baby cause if it is ever born with a scratch, you'll regret it."

"Are you threatening me because I threw your infidelity in your face? Warning me because of some whore who—"

"If you ever, I mean ever in your life refer to her as a whore, Paris you're going to get it from me. I tolerated you insulting her all through these years but now I won't, you hear me? So don't you dare make that mistake or you'll regret it for sure."

"What did she feed you with, African juju? That you're still blinded by her."

"I said shut up, and wait, how does it concern you if I've been fed by her juju, are you me? Worry about yourself and leave me to worry about myself."

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