Book two: Chapter four

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Zuri's POV

"Becareful and always stay in a crowd, don't wander off anywhere alone, okay Wen?"

She looked at me weirdly as if wondering why I keep telling her the same thing for a week now. Wendy contemplated on asking me something but decided against it.

I was very lissed she didn't ask cause I had no idea what I was going to tell her. I don't want her scared and horrified, she needs to concentrate on her studies and live her life without having to look over her shoulders very single minute just because some racist idiot is after her life.

"Okay don't worry, I'll do just that and not wander off alone moreover, I have Brie and Josh everywhere I go." Reassuring me with a smile, she straddled her backpack well and left the car park towards the entrance of the school after kissing me bye on my cheeks.

I stared at her till she vanished among the student populace before heading back to my car, a Gianni Mastashi, the one Lui surprised me with after I told him in New York I hadn't driven one before though I work in the company and I haven't owned a car before but now I do thanks to my Cucci.

I had just dropped Wendy off at school and like any other day for a week now, I tell her in an imploring voice to stay in a crowd where it will easily be noticed if anyone sprung behind her out of nowhere and abducted her.

It has been a week and two days now since that threatening call from that racist guy. He hasn't shown up anywhere near my doorstep to kill me or my family but shadows following me everywhere I go.

Like last Wednesday when I was packing Lui's bags for his Russia trip, I saw a shadow quickly pass by like he wanted me to know he was around which made me scream and I had to cover it up with a lie.

Something I hate doing, I don't know if he bought it or saw through it but he chose not not press further seeing me shaken and I was thankful for that.

I haven't been able to tell him what's going on. I kmow relationship is all about communication but I can't, I don't want to over burden him with my problems and always depend on him. I took care of my problems before he came around and I'll do that now too.

Neither have I been able to tell anyone except Douglas only because I needed his help but didn't tell him into details and it was even useless. The police haven't found him or even his location when they tracked his number, it was a dead end.

All I do now is always being around my family and making sure no one is harmed including Azzy, though she's my friend for years I consider her family.

Speaking of Azzy, I have to drop her off at her new work which in yet to know. I've been so occupied with my thoughts which are always centered on the messages, calls and how to keep us all safe to ask her about it. All I know is she works in the corporate world like me.

Looking in the rear-view mirror to look at her, I found her eyes already on me. She was looking at me in concern before she muttered, "are you okay?"

"Yeah!" I answered rather too quickly, "why?"

"You seem off lately, you're always zoning off, what's wrong?"

"Nothing Azzy, just work problems that's eating me up. There's a lot more to do with Lui absent at the company." That lie came out smooth. Actually it isn't a total lie, there's an aorta of truth it which is the more workload part but its nothing I can't handle and the lie? Its obvious.

"Aww sorry, I'll be giving you a massage to help you realx when you get back from work everyday even when Lui gets back." She said happily with a kind smile on her face.

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