Book one: Chapter twenty one

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Zuri's POV

Luigi has been avoiding me. He's been ignoring me at the office, he never orders me about like he used to. During meetings he behaves as if I don't exist and prefers Chy to take the note and hand it over to him.

I don't even know my use in the office again. My only work is send his cup of coffee to his office before he comes and do the work that doesn't require me to go into his office. I don't want to look like a total fool in front of him when he's avoiding me.

I'm confused as to his sudden change in behavior. Is it because of what happened in his office? I thought about it and concluded it's best if I forgot about it and pretend like it never happened. It's best that way because no matter how hard I think of it, I don't get any better reason as to why he did that.

Let me forget about it and book a cab, I'm meeting Kai tonight for dinner at the restaurant we went to the first time we went out for dinner. I'm so many minutes late, I had to stay behind and complete an overdue assignment.

I got into a cab and instructed the driver as to where he should go. I relaxed in the seat, pulling out my phone as a message came on it.
Azzy: Zuzu, where are you?
Me: In a cab going out, why?
Azzy: I'm in front of your house, no one is opening up🙄
Me: Mama has gone to visit her friend and Wendy is over at the fashion studio down town. Sorry boo😪
Azzy: So I have to spend this friday night all by myself?😒
Me: Yes b😪, you should have told me beforehand. I could have cancelled this meeting.
Azzy: nah you deserve it, go and chill. Imma text you real soon.
Me: Okay, stay safe.
Azzy: I always do😑, you got to since you're out. Nights a dangerous for girls especially those of our race😪
Me: true b😪 but I got a superhero who's gonna protect me so I'm good

"Miss we're here." The driver's voice said, hindering me from typing. I handed him his fee, telling him to keep the change. He appreciated my little gesture and thanked me profusely.

"No problem, go get the bucks." I told him, smiling. I made my way into the restaurant stairs, meeting Kai at the door. "Hey Kai Kai." I pulled his cheeks and pulled him in for a hug.

He rolled his eyes at the name I called him, "when are you going to stop calling me that?"

"Never, it's too cute and way fancier than just Kai."

"Whatever." He rolled his eyes again and led the way into the restaurant which wasn't crowded as usual. He pulled a chair for me to sit, he does that anytime we go out. Another reason why I like him. He is just a kind gentleman, too kind and different from the rich men I know. "Work problems?"

"You can say that again." I sipped the glass of water before me. "Is it that obvious?"

"Nope, you coming in late is a first and you're in your work clothes so I figured. How's it?"

"Demanding as always, though my boss had two assistants, I do most of the work. The other is like an errand girl." I shrugged my shoulders, that's how Chyna is. She runs the simplest errand because according to Luigi she isn't matured enough to do the real work. That's what I overheard one time. "How was your day too?"

"You don't want to know it Dee." He waved his hands to dismiss the topic.

"How bad was it?"

"It wasn't bad, it was embarrassing." His face got red as he told me that.

"Tell me about it please." I whine-said to him, his flushed face indicates there's tea and I want to hear all of it to tease him with, you know.

"Dee, I'm going to tell you one of the most embarrassing moments of my life, just a chuckle will make me stop, got it?"

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