Chapter 3: 21st Century Bonnie & Clyde

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< sorry for the person I become
when I'm stressed... I don't know her >


Aria's PoV:

As soon as I finished the tantrum I threw in dad's office after Mr. Velez left, I went straight home.
I was fuming with dad's decision to make me marry a stranger whom we didn't know.
He can be a serial killer for all I know!
Ughh life so not good right now.

I wish mom was here to try and knock some sense into dad's head.
Ever since we lost her nine and a half years ago due to cancer, everything changed.

I became a loner, not enjoying the company of my school friends.
I would rather sit home and watch Netflix than go out; hence all the award winning movie knowledge.
At first it was something to take my mind off of how shitty my life was, then slowly I took actual interest in watching movies, finding joy in being able to watch stories and experiences unfold through different points of view.

My favorite movie, might nobody ask?
Well, that changes faster than katy perry going through phases.

I needed to eat something before contemplating breathing. See how can someone fall in love with movies without falling in love with food? Impossible. The two go together smoother than batman and Louis Lane.

Just because I work out and have abs, doesn't mean I don't stuff my mouth with food when it comes to eating and stressing about my problems.

Some people can't live without their dogs, keys, cars, credit cards.
As to me, I go with a famous quote said by a legendary Days of Our Lives actor Joey Tribiani -please note the sarcasm- :

'Joey Doesn't Share Food'.

That's it, that's the end of the quote.

Oh, did I only mention movies? Well tv shows as well.


A few hours had passed since dad texted me in a desperate attempt at reconciliation. Think twice dad. You raised a stone-headed daughter.

Seeming to get that a few 'I'm sorry' and 'let's talk about it' texts aren't going to cut it, he finally gets the hint that I'm mad at him and stops texting me. Wow, not even worth a call?

Well, how can I improve the dampened situation? Retail therapy with my best friend sounds like a good idea.

I text Luna saying we need to go shopping and have a girls night out ASAP.

She responds with "k. Be at yours in 20"
Which leaves me not a plenty of time to get ready before she pulls up at my front door in her Mercedes.


"I don't understand how can someone just marry off their daughter without asking for her opinion " Luna exclaims walking with me in the mall burning my pressing issues with new clothes, after I've told her everything that took place this morning at the company.

"Well, I know he's not cold hearted to just do it for fun. It's dead serious Lu, if the company wasn't at stake I'm pretty sure he wouldn't have made the decision " I try justifying my dad's actions, defending his motives. I sound just like him now. He successfully brainwashed me into turning into him when it comes to business.

She shrugs off "I get it, he did what he had to do. Still not an excuse to marry off his daughter to a stranger. I mean what if he's a serial killer for god's sake?"

My eyes widen with familiarity mixed with amusement. This is exactly what I thought. I guess that's why we're best friends.

"Yeah, I thought that too. What if instead of killing me as well, we turn into this twenty first century Bonnie and Clyde? Wow, that would be a dope idea for a movie " I state half joking half fantasizing about it seriously in my mind.

"Did you at least look up the guy on the internet? You know, getting a general idea about who you're marrying?!" Sounds like a legitimate and reasonable course of action.

"Umm, no. I don't know, today's been hectic enough. I think I'll get to that part later. I just hope he's not some 40 year old dude" I expressed my fear through a joke.
Guess now I know why they call it dark humor.
We sit down at food court, my favorite area and settle on hamburgers for lunch. Well double cheese burgers. Plus extra curly fires. No drinks though, these are bad for health.

We walk into Victoria's Secret store after finishing our meals and spend a while shopping for skimpy lingerie. future husband, and I oops...

When we pay for our items of clothing that are barely considered decent clothes, more like Magic Mike costume choices for the movie, we decided we've bought enough clothing to last an entire season of The Bachelorette.

Luna drops me off at my house, then goes on to hers.

This was a very long day sensually, on some Matthew Mc'Conohay Interstellar type of shit.

I take a hot shower, washing off today's worries down the drain, get dressed up in pajamas and decide to call it a night and drift off into peaceful sleep.



Cola or Pepsi?

Regular Coke or Zero coke?

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