Chapter 21: Reminiscing

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< you left in peace,
left me in pieces >

-Selena Gomez.

Aria's PoV:

Nickolas has been gone since yesterday morning. He had to get up early to not miss his flight.
Subsequently, yesterday was day one at interviewing applicants for the marketing position.

Today is the second and final day.
I woke up early, to an empty bed to my unliking, and worked out for an hour this morning before showering and coming to work.

Yesterday was considerably a good day, nonetheless a long one, given the fact that I interviewed over thirty people.

I had over seventy applicants for this job and I needed to make sure I chose the right one.

Thirty two done, only forty five more to go.


I take a look at my phone, 5:45 pm. I sigh tiredly and drag my hands along my face, hoping for this day to be over.

My intercom beeps and I press to answer it.

"Mrs. Velez, I know we wrapped up the interviews for today, but there's one last applicant here to meet with you"
My PA says and I mentally curse in my head.

"Why this person's application isn't in the file?" I ask her, knowing everyone's resumes and applications are in one big file that I had.

"Uhh, it was a mistake. The application was sent into HR instead of the front desk".

"Ok, let them in" I tell her and sit in my chair, preparing myself for one more.
Just one more and I can go home and lie down.

A few moments pass until a knock on the door forces me to sit up straight, professional like.
"Come in" comes out my groggy voice.

The handle of the door opens and I see a male figure going in.
At first everything is fine, but then my eyes get a glimpse of his facial features.
Them jet black eyes, black hair and crooked nose.

The face of my ex boyfriend appears and I have to hold in the urge to punch him.

Upon seeing me, his bushy eyebrows raise, definitely surprised to see me and then it's gone.
He masks his emotions and a glint of mischief sparks in his dark orbs.

Something tells me he's up to no good.

"Jaxon. What are you doing here?" I ask in confusion.

"I'm actually applying for the job " he says seriously and walks into the office like he owns the place.
He takes a seat on the chair in front of me.

How can I forget?
Jaxon studied business management in university, just like I did.

This is how we met, actually.
He was in my lectures and it all started when he pulled a Scott McCall in Teen Wolf and offered me a pen on my first day when I've forgotten to bring any.

It developed further into getting to know each other, then going on a few dates until he confessed he loved me and I was smitten by him.

It all went absolutely amazing, till one day when it didn't.

I caught him red handedly cheating on me with some other girl.

After breaking up with him, I started having these trust issues.
That's why I got so infuriated with Nickolas a while ago, because I was paranoid about him going behind my back and cheating on me.

Nevertheless, the more time I spent with Nick, the more I realized he had nothing in common with the pathetic excuse of a man sitting right now in front of me.

"Why would you want to work here?" I ask in a clear serious voice, separating work from personal life, despite the fact that there's no way in hell I'm hiring him to work here I had to act professional towards him and give him a chance for a proper job interview.

"Well, I do have the degree, plus the experience and I guess we could reminisce about old days, you and I, Ms Armington " he chuckles sickly and I really would like the idea of fracturing his nose.

I take a deep breath to keep my urge at bay, which he seems to mistaken for some type of 'effect' he thinks he still holds over me.

He thinks my heart quickens when I look at him, when in reality I'm fighting the need to puke.

That's how much he makes me sick.

"Actually, it's Mrs. Velez now." I clarify, gesturing towards the emerald ring resting on my finger.

"Oh, yeah. I heard about that. How's your husband by the way?" He asks with venom dripping his words like the snake he is. Pretending as if it was a normal conversation between two old friends.

Guess what bitch? Na
Not since you broke my heart.

"My husband is very well, thanks for asking " I try to keep it strictly businesslike and compose my nerves.

He stands up, takes a few large strides towards me and I'm left confused.

"What are you doing?" I say getting up from my chair.

"I bet your husband doesn't kiss you like this " he says and tries to kiss me, his filthy hands reaching to entrap me.

Key word: tried.

I find my voice, yelling at him to stop "Get off me!" My cheeks are turning red and breath getting shallow.

As a result of my struggle, he tightens his hold on me, to the point it becomes hurtful.
He's about to kiss me, I'm still wriggling and whimpering under his filthy hands when the door bursts open and a furious looking Nickolas charges in and removes Jaxon's hands from me.
"She said no!" He growls angrily.

I sigh in relief, knowing I'm safe now.
Also wondering why is Nickolas here?
He wasn't supposed to get back from Japan until tomorrow morning.

The sound of a punch pulls me out of my thoughts and into the scene unfolding in front of my eyes.

Jaxon lying on the ground, holding his bloody nose with his hand to stop the bleeding.
I look to see Nickolas going in for a second punch, and no matter how much I wanted him to, I knew this would get out of hand.

I opted for the right choice, bringing my hand up to Nickolas's arm stopping him.
"Just let security guards deal with him"
I tell him.

He hesitantly nods and turns to me fully, his hands on my shoulders "Are you ok? Did he do anything else?" He asks with worry lacing his tone and I shake my head no.



So, ummm... yeah

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