Chapter 13: Mode Activated

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< we're playing love,
and you're playing with love >

-Isak Danielson.

Aria's PoV:

Today is Friday.
Meaning other than posting pictures on Instagram with the caption #tgif, I have a party to attend as Mrs. Velez. My first one, might I add.

It's been two and a half days since I saw Nickolas, pathetically not due to him wearing Harry Potter's invisibility cloak, but you guessed it... he doesn't want to see me. Or deal with me, for that matter.

I curse the day guns were made.
Scratch that, I curse the day Swedish scientist Alfred Nobel invented dynamite thinking he's doing humanity a favor.
You thought, bro.

Enough with my rant, I'm swaying off the topic of my main concern.

Just as I finished the thought, my main concern called me.
I knew I needed to put aside our disagreements and pick up the phone for the sake of tonight going smoothly.

"What do you want, Nickolas?" My voice is sharp and huffy, skipping all bullshit and cutting straight to the point.

"Geez, who pissed in your cereal today?
Im just calling to notify you that I'd be picking you up in 3 hours " he announced and a list of everything I needed to do prior already started running in my head.

I needed to take a shower.
Shave my legs, arms and preferably everywhere I can.

Then I needed to do my hair, opposing the idea of showing up like Cruella De Vil from The Hundred and One Dalmatians.

Regarding my outfit, thank goodness I've planned one in advance. I saved myself an hour of huffing and grunting trying to compose a well put together look, like a teenage girl getting ready for prom.

Lastly, I had to do makeup.
This task is pretty easy since I'm pretty much skilled in this field.
Watching YouTube tutorials turns out beneficial and handy in times of need.

"Heyy, are you hearing me?"
His voice surveys annoyance and bothersome.

Honest answer: no

Correct answer:
"Umm, yeah. Again, what were you saying?"

He sighs audibly on the line " I said don't be late. I'm picking you up exactly at 5:30"


And with that, ladies and gentlemen we conclude our playful communicative phone call.

Am I made of steel? Because that right there is called irony.
Oh my gosh, does this now mean I'm Robert Downey Jr?? Since he's IronMan and all?

Sober up, Aria.
If anyone ever got access into what goes on in my head, they'd lock me up in a psychiatric asylum like Lydia Martin from Teen Wolf.

I discard this whole monologue taking place in my head and head towards the shower.

This is about to be a long night.


I'm finished with showering and shaving. Leaving me only to do hair and makeup, then get dressed and I'll be good to go.

It's 4:20 pm. so that leaves about an hour and ten minutes before Nickolas shows up.

35 minutes for hair.
25 minutes for makeup.
10 minutes to dress up.

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