Chapter 23: A Million Dollars Question

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< there's a devil in your smile that's chasing me, and every time
I turn around it's only gaining speed >

-One Direction.

Aria's PoV:

Yesterday was closer to a living hell of a nightmare than a typical day and I wish it didn't happen.

Feeling the volatile invasion of privacy, and the enormous amount of disrespect it takes someone to force themselves on others is gut wrenching.

All I recall from last night was Nickolas bringing me home after what happened at the company, then I cried in his arms to sleep.
There was an immense amount of tears and sobs and thank goodness it ended where it did, before it got the opportunity to develop into an intricate, more messed up situation than it is.

I open my puffy eyes, which I'm sure are red due to my religiously full-on-crying fiasco last night.
The first thing I'm greeted with is the blinding light from what I assume is the white ray of morning sun.

Adjusting my vision takes up a few moments, trying to regain consciousness.

Once my vision is all set and clear, I can't help but widen my emerald eyes at the set of brown poles staring at me.
Well, more like drinking the sight of me in a tender act than a creepy way.

I'm frankly flabbergasted by the fact that he's staring at me while I most likely look like a red puffy dry tomato, I get self conscious about the way I look that I can't decipher what's going on inside his head.

Is there something on my face?
Oh my gosh, if it's snot, then I'd better go bury my embarrassed self somewhere ten feet deep in the ground.

"Why are you staring at me like that?"
I voice my curiosity into words while scrunching my nose, in an attempt to figure out his motives.

"I'm just admiring your beauty " he says and oh my gosh my stomach explodes a bit and a smile betrays its way onto my face.

"I probably look all red and puffy from excessive crying last night .
and my hair is messy and my—" my little rant about my trashy look is interrupted by a shushing kiss.

"Stop. You're beautiful" he assures me with sincerity burning in his orbs.

"Every" a peck to my lips again,
"Inch" a kiss to my right cheek,
"Is" a kiss to my left cheek,
"Beautiful" a featherweight kiss to my nose,
"Got it?" this time he kisses my forehead and you call me a candle because I might've melted right there and then.

I shyly nod in comprehension and pull in a deep breath of air.

"How are you feeling?" he gently asks out of pure concern and genuine interest.

"Last night was a tough one. But I'm glad you were there in time. Thank you " I verbalize my gratitude for him and his lips curve up in an honest smile.

"Of course. You don't need to thank me. I'll always have your back and be there for you " he elaborates and at this very moment I've came to the realization that I truly love him.
With all my heart.
Completely, utterly and definitely love him.

The million dollars question is:
Am I ready to profess this to him?
Or more importantly, does he reciprocate my love?

Breakups and heartbreak can be really painful but one thing that outweighs any type of hurt is unrequited love.
This shit crushes your soul.

I don't think I'm ready to put my feelings out there just for them to be smashed by the hands of rejection.

I'm one thousand percent I love him, but I'm not one thousand percent ready to reveal my feelings.
If that even makes sense.

I guess it's just my subconscious dodging further heartbreak.
Like the best way to protect your heart is pretending you don't have one.
But I'm convinced that when the time is right, hopefully he won't end up hurting me.

Automatically, a smile finds residence on my face at his heart warming statement and I make effort to get off of him, though his secure hold on me prevents me from getting up.

"Where are you going?" His eyebrows furrow and a teeny tiny pout graces his luscious lips and I kiss him unable to resist.

"I'm going to take a shower " I explain and he sadly nods, understanding he can't just keep holding me here forever.
Then, he gives me one big hug, squeezing the hell out of me while also sniffing me, committing the feeling to memory and I mentally burst out in laughter.

"Ok, I'll go make us breakfast then " he comes to terms with human needs like showering and finally loosens his hold on me and I cease the chance before a mood swing hits him and go for the bathroom.

After I came out of the bedroom dressed in a black shirt and some baggy jeans, I find him in the kitchen, keeping his word, cooking eggs and bacon for breakfast.

He's standing near the stove, flipping the food and I reach him and hug him from behind, resting my newly showered -wet haired- head on his back.

"Babe, if you make any other moves we might end up eating burnt food for breakfast " he says and I close my eyes and tighten my arms around him.

"I don't care. As long as we're here, together " I get my point across and beyond the sound of sizzling I can hear him chuckle.

Shortly after, I let go of him, not finding the idea of eating burnt breakfast appealing.
Though, I move away a little so I'm no longer behind him but beside him.

He turns off the stove and then to me, plants a quick peck on the lips and then pursues the food.

We both sit down for breakfast, and even though we're not the greatest cooks out there, we improved a lot during these couple of weeks.

He leans more towards cooking nutritious food like French toast, eggs and bacon, sausages etc..
while I, on the other hand, lean more towards sweet chocolaty food like pancakes and Belgic waffles and about anything including sugar or Nutella.

Sometimes the pancakes turn out all black and burnt, or the toast would be too much toasted to the point it's hard to bite into it or swallow.
But I don't really care, as long as we haven't burnt down the kitchen, we're good.
Plus, we could always ditch the kitchen and buy croissants from this cool bakery nearby.



This chapter screams Lovey Dovey and I'm SINGLE.

Yep. Team single bro.

If you want to wake up to someone cooking you your favorite food, vote and comment ❣️

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