Chapter 30: Playing With Fire

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< I will love you unconditionally >

-Katy Perry.

[ 8 months later]

Aria's PoV:

It's a freezing February night, the smacking of the rattling wind serves as an undesirable background sound to the movie playing on the tv screen.

While Al Pacino's Scent Of A Woman is on display, I'm finding comfort on the sofa, sitting sideways so that my feet are on Nickolas's lap.

He's multitasking, watching the iconic movie while at the same time, one hand is massaging my swollen feet and the other is rubbing my nine months old huge pregnant belly.

After the end credits start showing, I take the liberty to grab the remote control and type in another legendary movie; Good Will Hunting.

"We've already watched this like a million times " he whines and I find it offensive that he's insulting one of my all time favorite movies.

"Excuse me, well we're watching it" I assert my dominance by furrowing my eyebrows and pouting my lips, an upset pregnant wife is not something he wants to mess with.

"Fine, I'm going to make a second round of hot chocolate. Want some?" He asks and my lips involuntarily tug upwards.

"More chocolate? Who says no to that?" I offer innocently and he shakes his head laughing, while also picking up the two mugs from the table in front of the couch.

"Just so you know, Good Will Hunting isn't Robin William's best movie " he argues while walking to the kitchen with the two empty cups that used to be occupied with the brown liquid.

"I think Matt Damon and Ben Afflick disagree with that " I tease him, knowing he'll most likely get jealous.

"I mean yeah they're good looking and all, but I'm hotter, right?" the echo of his voice asks rhetorically.

"You say that enough times and maybe it'll come true " I counter not able to contain my laughter anymore.

"Heyy! You keep saying that and the next movie we'll watch will be starring Meghan Foxx"

"Ha ha, very funny. I swear if I wasn't carrying another human being inside of my guts right now, I would've chased you around the house until you said otherwise" I offer and he comes back with two steamy hot chocolate mugs, setting them on the table.

"Alright, alright. I take it back. I want to still be alive when this little one comes " he says caressing my gigantic belly.

I make motion to go for the cup, before he swats my hand away and holds it with his own.
"Careful, it's still hot" he notifies me and a playful smirk appears on my lips.

"Well, so is my husband, and I can't seem to take my hands off of him" I look straight into his captivating brown eyes.

Upon hearing me, a smirk appears on its own on his perfect face. "Playing with fire, aren't we?" He says teasingly.

Intensifying the spark, he seems to lean in closer and closer by the seconds until his lips lock with mine lustfully.

One hand of his rests on the side of my waist while the other saunters my inner thigh.

I feel some liquid running down my legs and immediately pull away, he seems to have detected it as well, causing his next words to come out smugly.  "I had no idea you're this wet babe" he says and I smack his arm.

"You jerk, my water just broke" I announce and his eyes widen in realization at my words.

"No need to freak out baby, we've practiced this" he offers calmly, though I can see that it's just a facade to keep me relaxed.

"I'll go grab the bag we prepared, you stay here." He instructs before kissing my forehead and sprinting upstairs.

Contractions begin, and agonizingly painful would be an understatement to describe them.

My breathing rags, and sides hurt but I try to focus on keeping my breathing under control.

A few moments later, Nickolas comes down the stairs with a bag in his hand and car keys in the other.

I offer my hand out so he can take it and assist me to the car.

Two to three minutes later, we're successfully strapped in the car, with him driving and me semi-dying in the passenger seat.

He never leaves my hand, and I probably squeezed the hell out of his whenever a stronger contraction hit me.

Arriving at the hospital after what felt like centuries, he holts out of his side, opening my door helping me out.

A nurse brings a wheelchair for me to sit in while transporting me into a hospital room.

As soon as I'm settled on the white sheets of the bed, a nurse checks to see how close I am and saunters out bringing a doctor on her way back.

Nickolas is standing beside me, our hands still intertwined, supporting me emotionally.

"It's going to be alright. Just remember keep pushing and breathe " the doctor emphasizes and I nod in comprehension.

I keep pushing with all my might for what lasted like forever, before a crying scream echos and I immediately sigh in relief.

"Congratulations, a little baby girl" a nurse says happily while wrapping my little angel in a white blanket and handing her to me.

My eyes instantly fill with tears as I come face to face with her.

In my peripheral vision I notice Nickolas wiping his eyes, palms of his hands covering his face.

And in this exact moment it hits me.
There's a little version of Nickolas and I in the world.
Half of him and half of me.

Several minutes later, I offer him our baby daughter for him to hold and he takes her in his arms with the utmost gentleness I've ever encountered.

He brings her close to his chest, kissing her forehead, and then mine.

"Hey, beautiful angel, nice to meet you " he whispers near her ear and she opens her small eyes to peak at him.

An instant dazzling smile graces his face and I ask the forgotten question "What should we name her?"

He looks subtly at me, then back at her and his next words melt my heart "like I said, she's a beautiful angel. So I was thinking of that. Angel Velez; what do you think?" He questions and I couldn't agree more.

"That sounds perfect. Angel Marie Velez?" Since he chose her first name I suggest her middle name hopefully.

A dashing grin resides on his face and he responds with "Angel Marie Velez, welcome to the world ".



Next we have the epilogue and we're doneee😭💔

I can't express how much I loved writing this storyyyy❣️

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