Chapter 6: Area 51 or Somehthing

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< she was poetry in a world
still learning the alphabet >

-The Marble Mentor.

Aria's PoV:

We got inside into the beautifully decorated venue occupied by business partners from both sides, a few faces I couldn't recognize, probably Nickolas's relatives and a few known figures in the business world that we hadn't been doing business with. Most likely, they're invited here to witness the rise of the new empire to persuade them into signing future deals with us.

A few moments passed by, and then Nickolas's hand moves from mine into the small of my back. His finger pads rubbing against the fabric of the dress.
"Careful, mister " I whisper-hiss so only he can hear me.

"You're supposed to be my fiancée, remember?" He asks rhetorically, a smirk evident on his devilishly handsome face.

Then, he brings his hand around my waist, slightly pressing my side.

Mr. Velez and a woman I'm assuming is his wife make their way towards us. "Good evening, Nick. Aria darling" his dad states hugging his son and then surprising me with a hug as well.

Then a woman with brown hair just like the shade of Nick's hair squeezes the oxygen out of me with her tight hands around my body.
"Oh, sorry sweetie. You look fantastic by the way. I'm Sarah Velez, Nick's mom"
She states and by her complexion, I could tell she's the one who passed the good genes down to Nick.

"Nice meeting you Mrs. Velez. I'm Aria Armington " I introduce myself to his mom.

"You're family now sweetie, you can call me Sarah" she offers motherly, and I nod in response. I can't help but seem to like his parents.
They seem like good people to me.

Then it's my dad's turn to congratulate us, funny. Isn't he the one who orchestrated  all of this behind my back?

We chat with his parents and my dad for a while, then with some other extravagant looking people about business. The entire time his hand is still tightened around my waist.
I excuse us from people, and we walk to a secluded area where no one can hear us.

"Loosen up a bit, I'm not a rapid dog or something. Don't worry, I won't run away, though the thought sounds tempting " I whisper hiss at him, and a low chuckle escapes his lips.
He loosens a bit, and leans down, so that his mouth is near my ear. "Oh, I'm not worried, you should be though" he whispers in my earlobe and his hot breath is hitting my neck.
The contact sends chills down the back of my neck all the way to my spine.

After my daze is over, I let his words register well.
Did he just fucking threaten me?

"Are you fucking threatening me?" I couldn't hold my thoughts in, and my eyes burn with fumes and fury looking straight into his brown ones.
He raises his eyebrows as a reaction to my explicit language, nonetheless recovers quickly " call it what you want, cream-cheeks"

Did he just throw a Taylor Swift Reputation track at me?
And cream cheeks? I get the whole I'm-wearing-cream-color theme but what the hell?

I decide to shrug off his comment, not wanting to let it rest on my bad side.
He thinks he can handle me? Think again funky brown.
He'll just have to wait two days until the wedding and he can see how much of a bad bitch I am.

The party goes on until the guests eventually leave one after the other.

He drops me home, and there's no exchange of words between us except for him "Good night " and me "Thanks, night".

This was one eventful day.


The sound of my phone ringing wakes me up from deep slumber, earning a groan from me.

I look at the screen to find an unrecognized number. Cool.

I pick up the phone and press the answer button " Hello?" My sleepy voice sounds like a dying whale but it's the caller's fault to call unreasonably early in the morning, not mine.

"Oh, cream-cheeks, did I wake you up?" His voice jolts me up from bed.

"What do you want, Nickolas? It's only- " I distance the phone to check the time " 8 a.m. " I can hear a chuckle through the phone, and my eyes roll in their sockets involuntarily.

"Sorry for waking you up, but I wanted to tell you that the moving men are coming to your house in two hours. Thought you'd like the heads up " too much words for my brain to process in the morning.

Moving men?
Two hours?

Were we invaded by aliens from Area51 or something?

"What are you talking about? It's too much for any normal humane brain to process at 8 a.m ?"

I usually wake up at 5 am every morning to work out, only today's an exception due to my tired body from last night. I think I deserve the extra sleep.

"Are you forgetting that we're getting married tomorrow? All your things need to be moved today to our house " he states nonchalantly.

Wait, did he say our house?
As in his and mine.

"Ughh, fine. I'm up. Happy now?"

"Very much. And oh, pack only clothes and necessities. Everything else is already taken care of."

Wow, thanks for including me in on our future house.

The call ends and I charge to the bathroom faster than Timmy Turner gets himself into trouble in The Fairy OddParents.

To the shower, and beyond. *that was a failed attempt at semi quoting Buzz Light from Toy Story.

After my short lived glory in the shower, I start packing all my clothes into suitcases.

Eventually, there's about six or seven of them.
That's leaving out everything that doesn't belong to the closet or the bathroom.

The rest we'll at some point ship out later. I'm too tired to give a damn about it now.
Moreover, it's about 10 am. meaning the men are coming at any minute now.

As if coordinated with my thoughts, the doorbell rings on cue signaling their awaited arrival.



Tomorrow is the wedding..
Anyone else excited???

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