Chapter 16: Innocent Little Creatures

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< all we do is drive, all we do is think about the feelings that we hide >


Aria's PoV:

I'm deep asleep, hugging my pillow for comfort when the pillow hugs me back.

It smells really good and is indeed conveniently comfortable.

I snuggle deeper, liking its warmth and the pillow tightens its hold around my waist.

Pillows aren't supposed to hug us back.
Or tighten their hold around our waists.

I open up my eyes, sun rays creeping in my sight. It takes me nearly ten seconds and a few blinks to make out where I am.

I'm on top of Nickolas in our bed. Like the previous times, fully on top of him, with my hands around his broad shoulders and my face in the crook of his neck.

His arms are rubbing my sides in a firm touch, palms caressing my cotton shirt.
The gesture is so satisfying and soothing that it makes me want to stay here in his arms forever.

"Wake up cream-cheeks " his voice comes out low and my throat gets dry.

"Ughh, what time is it?" I murmur agitatedly.

"12:30 pm." He answers and my eyes snap.
We were supposed to go to work like three hours ago.

"Crap. We're late to work " I tell him and make the effort to get off of him before his hands lock me in place, preventing me from moving.

"It's Sunday, we don't have work. Besides even if I did have, how am I supposed to wake up with you on top of me? You'd make me go to work late everyday " He chuckles and I have the urge to smack his arm real hard, but refrain from it.

"I told you you'd somehow find a way to sleep on top of me and I was right " a smirk resides on his lips and my eyes glare at him.

"If I knew any better, I'd say you're enjoying this more than I am" it's my turn to flip the script.
He thinks I don't notice how he sniffs me like he's Pablo Escobar and I'm the last stash of cocaine the cops didn't confiscate in Narcos.

The playfulness washes away from his face, he looks like a sixth grader caught cheating on an exam.

"Ok, let's just both admit we both find it to our liking " he suggests and I crack a grin.
I wasn't very sure whether he liked it when I suffocated the air out of him in his sleep, or was just too shy to turn me down. But I just got him to admit it aloud. And I'm relieved to hear he feels the same way I do.

After sleeping alone in a cold bed for the past week, it surely feels nice to wake up to warmth and security.


We're both dressed now in casual t shirts and jeans after we showered.
Separately, of course.

He wants to take me out somewhere and I'm constantly nagging him to cave in and tell me.

"So you're not telling me where are we going?" I ask for the millionth time once we're buckled up in the car.

"Nope, you'll just have to wait and see when we get there " he pops the p in nope, and doesn't crack.

"As you wish" I respond with a mock pout on my lips.

The rest of the car ride is silent, but it's not weird or anything.
Once we got rid of the tension yesterday night, everything seems to flow smoothly.
The whole atmosphere between us changed.

Despite the good place we're in right now, I know we need to have a serious discussion about what is going on between us.
To label this whole 'us' thing.

I'm just afraid that by rushing him into putting an official label, he'll run away and not come back.

On the other hand, communication is the key to everything in relationships.
If we don't talk about what is going on with each other, hushing our problems under the rug, I might lose him to fear and cowardice.

I'm caught between two fires and I'm hesitant in what flames do I choose to burn.

I mean what if this is just part of a game we're playing?
One where the rules are blurry and our moves are driven by ulterior motives?

I postpone the overthinking party happening inside my head, and join back reality when Nickolas's voice pulls me out of my trance.

"Hey, are you good?" Worry laces his tone and there's a slight crease between his eyebrows.

"Yeah, I'm fine. So where did you bring me?" I ask him when I notice the car has stopped moving and we're actually parked somewhere.

"I umm, brought you to meet my sister " he announces with a teeny tiny bit of nervousness and my heart skips a beat at the sight.

What sister?
How come I've never met her at the wedding?

He seems to sense the confusion engulfing my flabbergasted face.
" My sister is actually located in Spain with her husband and kids, but they do come to the U.S for some of the time" he informs me and I nod in understanding.

I've always been an only child in my family, so I really don't know what's it like to have siblings.

" Do you have any other siblings?" I ask curiously, wanting to make sure there's no else I've missed.

"No, just Maria and me" he says while we walk up to her front steps.

He knocks the door and we wait before a seven year old boy opens it and charges towards Nickolas.
"Uncle Nick!" He exclaims overjoyed and Nickolas scoops him up in his arms.

"Uncle Nick, is this your wife you talked about to my mom? She's very pretty like you said " little boy says and Nickolas's ears turn red while a smile carves its way up my lips.
Innocent little creatures.

Nickolas doesn't address his comment and instead asks him where his mom is.

"She's inside trying to make Elfie sleep. She doesn't stop crying " he tells us innocently and Nick grabs my hand in his and we go inside towards what I assume is the living room.

A woman in her late twenties is sitting on a sofa rocking a little baby girl, Elfie I assume, to sleep.

Elfie is crying nonstop and I can see the tired look on Maria's face.
She looks like she hasn't slept for ages.

"Oh, hey Nick. You're finally here" she says standing up handing Elfie to him and captures me in a bone crushing hug.
She smells of Similac and baby powder.

"Oh hi, you must be Aria. It's nice meeting you! I'm Maria, Nickolas's older sister and these are my children. Javier and Elfie" she shows her white teeth in a heart warming smile and I decide I like the vibe she gives off.



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