Chapter 22: Dislocated

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< waking up to kiss you,
but nobody's there >

-Niall Horan.

~ 16 hours prior ~

Nickolas's PoV:

I've arrived here to Japan yesterday in order to close a deal.
It was my second time here and I kept wishing that Aria was here so we can rummage through the streets of Tokyo at night, in my free time.
I was supposed to head to the airport late tonight, in order to be home in the U.S tomorrow morning.
However, I made my best to close this deal today and booked an earlier flight than scheduled to go home to Aria.
It's crazy how much she grew on me the last weeks.

At first I dismissed it, thinking to myself it's only attachment. But, then here I am in a strange place beyond seas wishing for her to be here with me, which reminds me of booking a flight for our honeymoon somewhere tropical.
I didn't inform her of my early arrival intentionally, wanting to surprise her today.

Sleeping in a cold bed at night sucks, even when I'm in a foreign country.
Especially when I'm in a foreign country.
I'm getting too used to her suffocating me in my sleep in a clingy matter that I find it extremely difficult sleeping without her.

The flight alone takes about thirteen hours, minus the time spent collecting luggage and the ride home.

I'm currently sitting in a window seat, looking out the window as the plane takes off.

I'm currently sitting in a window seat, looking out the window as the plane takes off

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I climb off the plane's stairs, my feat touching the solid ground for the first time in almost fourteen hours.

Once I'm done collecting my luggage, the driver takes notice of me and rushes to my side taking my traveling suitcase into his hand and we start making our way towards the car.

I've contacted my driver yesterday, telling him of my estimated arrival time today instead of tomorrow so he can pick me up from the airport immediately.

The ride was exhausting, feeling jet lagged surely sucks.

Once we're in town, the driver raises his eyes, meeting mine in the rear view mirror and clears his throat. "Sir, where to?"

I know for a fact that Aria is in the company. I called the receptionist five minutes ago, who confirmed that she indeed hasn't left yet, still interviewing applicants to this hour.

"To the company " I simply say and he nods firmly at me.

When we reach the building, I tell the driver to have the rest of the day off, seeming I'll most likely go home with my wife.

I make my way to the front desk, only seeing one receptionist at the first floor.
It's 5:40 pm. and everyone else must've gone home already.

In the elevator, I press the fifty fifth button. The floor where the co-CEOs office is.

I make my way, noticing the floor is empty besides than Aria's PA, that is immersed behind her computer screen.
When she sees me she offers a smile. I stop in my tracks and ask her "Is my wife still inside our office?"

She nods "Yeah, just finishing off with the last applicant"

I nod in return and start making my way towards our office.

I can't wait for the look of surprise and joy on her face when she finds out I've come home early.

I open the door, only to be met with a yelling Aria.
She's screaming 'Get off me!' to whomever that dude is.
He's holding her and she's whimpering and struggling against him.

Before he has the chance to do anything, I lunge towards him.

I free her from his iron hold and she takes a few steps back.

Blinded by wrath, I immediately connect my fist to his nose.
"She said no!" I growl in his face and ball up my fist again to reconnect it with his face, when a hand grabs my arms.

"Just let security guards deal with him" she says and I turn fully to her, placing my hands on her shoulders, inspecting for any harm.

"Are you ok? Did he do anything else?" I ask her, making sure this bastard didn't do anything else to her.
He would have more than a dislocated nose to worry about.

She shakes her head no, and I find myself letting out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding.

I engulf her in a hug, she buries her face in my chest and I caress her back.
"It's ok, you're safe now" I whisper in her ear and we walk out.

"Call the security guards to deal with him immediately " I tell her PA and she just nods incredulously.

We go inside the elevator, and she's still hugging me and I feel moisture wetting my shirt.

That fucker made her cry.

I'll get her to tell me what happened, but not right now. We first had to go home.

When we reach outside, I pull her gently in the direction of the car.
I open her door, assist her in and strap her seatbelt on.

Despite my jet lag and tired state, I knew I couldn't wait for someone to come, or let her drive. So I got in the driver's seat and ignited the car.

Once I put the gear into drive, I immediately take her hand in mine and start drawing circles on her knuckles.

She looks at me with a smile that doesn't reach her eyes and the sight drowns my heart.

I never leave her hand except when I need to shift gear into reverse and parking when we arrive home.

The whole ride home she's been silent and all I wanted to do was brighten her up.

Once I'm out, I open her door and help her up.
She leans into me and I gladly guide her home, kissing the side of her head "Everything's ok now".

We make our way inside, I lock the door behind me and it seems this is all it took for her to start sobbing.

I lead her to our bedroom and she starts sniffling.
I wrap my arms around her, hugging her tight. Showing her that I'm here and I'm not leaving her.

She clutches onto me for support and I continue holding her in my arms, caressing her back soothingly.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I let my voice be gentle on purpose, so she knows I'm here to listen and not to judge.

She shakes her head "Not right now. Just hold me" she says we lay down on the bed for a more comfortable position.



Harassment/ abuse of any kind is just wrong.
Please don't hurt other people and if you were hurt/affected by it, I'd recommend seeking professional help❤️
just know you're not alone ❣️

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