Chapter 27: Croissants? Croissants.

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< I try to explain you to myself,
but you never seem to sound right >

-JP Saxe.

Nickolas's PoV:

"Oh my god, I can't believe how much I love you " she slurs and I freeze.

Am I hearing right at this point? Or is this a figment of my imagination?

She said she loves me.

I guess it's a good thing, since I love her too.

They say drunk words are sober thoughts, did she really mean it? Or is this just the influence of the liquor in her system?

"What'd you say?" I ask in a whisper.

She secures her hands around me and takes a breath before repeating herself "I said oh my god, I can't believe how much I love you " and as if it also hit her, she opens her eyes in realization finding mine already boring.

Her breath gets caught up in her throat, and her eyes remain on mine, she sobers up.

"Do you mean it?  or was it just a spur of the moment thing?" I need to desperately know.

My browns keep their glance fixed on her irises, and her greens don't back down.

A daunting few seconds of silence, that felt like eternity are finally broken when she answers "yeah. I mean it." And there it is, ladies and gentlemen.
My wife's first confession of 'I love you'.

She gulps anxiously, probably waiting for my reaction to her huge revelation.

My fingers lift up tenderly caressing her rosy cheeks in a feather-weighting touch.
The happiest smile embeds itself on my face as I pronounce the next words "I'm glad you love me, because I know I love you ".

It seems this is all what it takes for us to close in the few agonizing centimeters between our faces, in one big kiss filled with love and lust.

The kiss firstly deepens, then overtime, kisses turn into hot making out sessions and one thing leads to another.

We eventually end up falling asleep at the crack of dawn, entangled with each other.

This time it was different though. It carried out all our love and passion for each other.
It's suffice to say, there's sex and then there's love making.
This completely and utterly felt like the latter.


Waking up in the afternoon, in the arms of your lover has to be the best feeling in the world, hands down.

Although, it's a Monday, we - or more accurately I - decided to notify our secretary that today we won't be coming in for work so both of us to spend quality time together.
I obviously left out the 'spending quality time together' in my text.

The definition of quality time here basically means cuddled up together in bed all day.

I wonder if this is what heaven -real or not- feels like.

However, this time waking up, I find myself half laying on top of Aria, my head on her chest with her arms wrapped around me and vise versa.
A complete contradiction to our usual sleeping position.

I can't lie though, it surely feels nice snuggling up to the love of your life.
Now I understand how she feels every morning.

I lift my head off, and bring it closer to her face, planting kisses everywhere like a lovesick puppy in attempt at waking her up.

She groans, creasing her eyebrows and shifting in her place, tightening her hold on my chest in the process "Few more minutes" comes her mumbled response.

I take this as my cue to wake her up more playfully. I start kissing her forehead, moving to her nose and then her lips.
Afterwards to her chin, and continue all the way down her throat reaching her collar bones.

Once my lips peck the hollow of her left collar bone she jolts awake. Bingo!

"Morning " is the first thing that leaves her mouth when her eyes flutter open.

I grin at the angel in front of my eyes "Good morning baby" I greet her and then go in for her lips to get my morning kiss.
Gosh, this is so addictive.

The grumbling of her stomach sounds off and she isn't by one bit embarrassed of it.
In fact, this had happened a lot during the previous couple of months that it's become normally habitual.

"I want croissants " she puts on her best puppy dog eyes and stares right into my soul. So if that I don't buy her croissants the guilt will pass on to my next lifetime.

There's no way in hell I'm going to have a croissant guilt on my conscience.

Besides, if I don't get up buying her food, I might as well contribute to my own next lifetime, because I'm 100% sure she would murder me.
Never mess with a girl's food.

"Of course babe, how many? Three or four?" I question.
My wife can eat for real.

"Four. And oh, I'm craving Cappuccino as well" she grins innocently, batting her eyelashes simultaneously.

I shake my head laughing off "Right. You hop into the shower while I change and go" I suggest and she nods.

After she gets up from the bed, and just before she passes me on the way to the shower she kisses my cheek, and right outside the bathroom door she mutters 'Love you' and then goes in closing the door behind her.

She thinks she's really cute not letting me respond to her and running away like that.

I -being stubborn me- after a few moments of utter dismay, open the bathroom door, and then proceed into the shower where my wife is currently standing naked.

She's applying shampoo in her hair, while water drips from the shower head and squeaks when she sees me there.
I simply kiss her cheek lopsidedly and huskily say 'I love you too' before leaving her standing there hot and bothered, exiting the bathroom to change my clothes.

Croissants, here I come.



Oh my gosh, this probably one of the cutest chapters I wrote..🥺❤️

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