Chapter 28: A Combination of Both

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< it was the perfect storm.
You, me, and a hint of forever >


Nickolas's PoV:

It's Friday and I couldn't be more thankful, this past Sunday when Aria and I confessed our feelings, everything has been sailing smoothly since then.
Only, she's been getting moodier by the second, waking me at unreasonable hours because she felt hungry and wanted food.
Me, being the good husband I am, I happily oblige every time, out of love and not fear. Ok maybe a combination of both.
I knew this chick could eat for real, but damn she eats a lot.

I've just finished off a meeting with a corporation downtown, walking out the building headed to the parking lot where my BMW is resting, when I get a call from Andrè.

I press the answer button and bring the phone to my ear " Hey".

"Hey dude" comes his answer and a sigh of relief escapes my lips knowing he sounds sober.

"How are you doing ?" I ask him hoping he'd moved on from his wreck of a relationship by this point.

"Doing well. Actually a lot better not having Alexis around " he says almost sounding relieved, like a weight has been lifted off his shoulders and I'm glad.

"I just wanted to umm— well actua—" he starts stuttering and I can sense how nervous he is.
What a fast change of demeanor in a short period of time.

"Chill dude, you knew you can talk to me about anything right?" I reassure him of my willingness to listen and the lack of judgment I provide.

"Well, I-I met someone " his voice sounds chirpy and happy.

A few months ago, I would've made fun of him, teasing him 24/7 for having mushy feelings. Although now, it might be a little hypocritical considering I get all lovey-dovey and mushy with my wife..

"That's great dude. How'd you two meet?" I'm curious as to who is this mystery girl that succeeded in capturing his attention.

"Actually, she might be someone you know. That's why I was calling.
It's in fact Luna, Aria's friend." He says and my mind wanders back to the wedding. She sounds familiar, and I remember her being the maid of honor.

"Yeah, I remember her" I tell him.

"You know how I was your best man, and she was the maid of honor? We kind of clicked.. although we didn't really talk much, since I was still with the she-devil.
The important thing is, I met her a few days ago and we started talking, and I was thinking of asking her out. But I just wanted to check in first with you to make sure it's ok with yo—".

Right when I sense him starting to ramble -a thing he did when nervous- I take it as my cue to playfully cut him off.

"Sure, you should take her out. Why would I object? It's your life bro, you have the right to love whomever you want " I say nonchalantly, it's really non of my business.

"Slow down, now I wouldn't go as far saying the L word, but I do like her" I can imagine the blush creeping up his cheeks while confessing this to me.

Andrè and me go way back, to our high school days almost ten years ago. We both met while being on the football team and became friends and even though we got into different universities, we kept in touch through the years. Never letting anything come between our friendship.

I chuckle at his statement, but decide not to tease him about it "Sure, whatever you say bud".

Oh, he's whipped for sure.

A few moments later, he hangs up the phone with the giddiness of my approval, and I come to a halt as I reach my car.

I open the driver's door and hop in. This was my final meeting for the day, and now I can finally head home to where my wife would be after finishing her work at the company.

A few seconds after settling in, I notice the mango scented refresher I put in all my cars, has taken a toll in my BMW since it's been almost 3 months.
These things are bound to last.

I make a mental note to buy new mango scented refreshers for the cars and the office.

If you would ask me what is my deal with mangoes? What justifies my weird obsession with them?

It's quite simple.
Aria uses tropical fruit scented shampoo. And her her hair always smells of a distinguished smell in particular - mangoes.
So you can't really blame me for my newfound obsession with mangoes.
If it was up to me, I'd spend my whole life burying my nose in her soft hair.
But, since it's an unrealistic thing to do, I aim for having her scent accompany me throughout my day.

It surely smells nicely on my smell buds, also one of its benefits is that it calms me, bringing me a sense of serenity to wash over my stressful days.

After half an hour spent on the road, I pull into a drive through, ordering four double cheeseburgers.
In case you're wondering, no. We don't have guests over.
It's just me and Aria at home, so two cheeseburgers each.
I make sure to also buy large sized curled fries and drinks.

About ten minutes later, I arrive home.
I take the bag of food seated at the passenger seat and eagerly make my way to the front door.

Once I set foot in the house, I call out to my wife "babe, I got food!" Shaking my head playfully, this phrase probably lures her in more than sexual innuendos.

She comes running down the stairs in wet hair and a set of comfy clothes, probably just out of the shower.

She ignores my entire existence as she snatches the bag from my hands and heads to the living room, setting the food on the table while sitting excitedly on the couch.

"Wow, couldn't even fake being happy to see me?" I ask with a look of fake betrayal displayed on my face.

"Babe, I love you. But I love food more " she jokingly admits and I can't hold my laughter as I walk to the living room joining her.



The story is coming to an end.. in about a few chapters❣️

Side Effects To Marriage May Include Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon