Chapter 2

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Storm's POV

I was currently running away from crazy fans that were chasing me. That's when I bumped into someone. She shouted, "Hey watch where you're goi-" then she stopped mid- sentence. Wait she must fan, I can't let her say my name or else everyone will know i'm here so I said, " Wait please don't scream my name, I do anything. I'll give you an autograph if you want." She looked at me with an annoyed face and said, " Ugh, this is why I hate celebrities, they're so full of themselves, and I don't want your stupid autograph." I looked at her shocked and replied, " Wait what do you mean you don't want an autograph, anyone would pay a fortunate to get one." "Well it's quite obvious that I wouldn't, now have a good night." she said while walking away. While that was interesting I thought. Suddenly my phone buzzed, it was Gale.

Where are you, we can't start practice if you're not here.

I replied I'm coming, just give me a few minutes. I ran into some trouble.

Well hurry up he typed.

I turned my phone off so I wouldn't be bothered by him. Then I quickly ran to the hotel we stayed at and walked inside. Before I knew it I was bombarded by my band mates. "Where were you" Rin yelled. "Didn't I tell you that I ran into some trouble." I said " Well ya but you took sweet time coming back." This time I looked to my right to see Gale. " Well maybe next time you guys should just trust me." "Chill Storm, we were just worried." said Reiki who was reading a book on the couch. "Whatever" I said "Lets just start rehearsing." "Alright" they chirped at the same time. Then we started practicing.

Nashi's POV

"I can't believe that guy, who does he think he is anyway." I murmured so no one would think I was a crazy person talking out loud. "For some reason he pisses me off so much, and I can't explain why." I said a little bit louder. I started rambling on how much I hated this guy, and before I even knew it I reach my apartment. I went inside and took a nice hot bath. Then I ate dinner and went to bed. "I hope tomorrow won't be a stressful as today was" I muttered before letting darkness take over me.

Time Skip: Morning 7:50 am

*Ringgg* *Ringg* I woke up with a loud thud. I open my eyes to see the floor. "Well that was a beautiful start to my morning" I said. I looked at my phone and saw that it was almost 8:00. I was going to be the only person at worked today, so I had to wake up early to be able to open the shop. I got ready, ate some breakfast, then went out the door. After a few minutes I reach Celestial Writing and started to do the work I needed to do.

Storm's POV

"Hey Storm" I heard a girl say. She has long salmon pink hair and bright brown eyes. "Yes" I replied. " I love you" she said, I was so surprised by her actions like who can say that without stuttering. Plus not to mention that I don't even know who this girl even is. As if on instinct I said," I love you too" then I collapsed. I couldn't see the girl anymore, and I was surrounded by darkness. I heard a faint noise calling my name saying, " Storm...storm wake up." Then suddenly I felt a cold substance on me. I immediately get up so see a worried Rin and Gale snickering in the back. "What the hell did you do that for" I yelled "Well you weren't getting up so we had to take drastic measures" said Rin. "You should be grateful we were the ones to wake you up instead of Reiki" said Gale. I shuttered at the though of it. The last time Reiki woke me up I received a punch to the face. "Everyone get your butts down here, I have something important to tell you" said the red head down stairs. We quickly went down stairs, not even daring to make him wait a second longer. When we all reached down stairs he opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by Gale. "What do you want" he said." Well I was just about to tell you before you interrupted me " "Just say it" I said getting impatient. " Well like I was going to say, I just got a call from our manager saying we have to go to a meet and greet then do a photo shoot with Jason" We all groaned at the last part. Whenever we do a photo shoot with Jason it always takes forever. "Oh quit complaining, the faster we do this the quicker we'll get it over with" said Reiki. We got ready, then quickly sneaked out of the hotel and started to walk where the meet and greet was being held. Today is going to be a long day I thought.

Time Skip: A few hours later

"Finally we're done" said Rin. "That took longer than expected" I said. "Well of course it did, everyone loves us" said Gale. "That is true" said Reiki. "Well not everyone" I said. I look at the boys and all the color was drained from their face."What do you mean not everyone like us." they all yelled at me. "It's exactly how I said it" I say, "Who is it" asked Rin. So I told them the whole story on what happened last night. I looked at my phone and saw that it was 12:45."Guys" I said "Ya they replied" "If we want to make it in time for our photo shoot then we should probably hurry". Then we all started running towards the place.

Time Skip: After the Photo shoot (About 4:00 pm)

Ugh that was the most boringest thing I have ever done. That stupid photo shoot took at least 4 hours. Then my stomach rumbled, I realize that none of us had eaten anything yet so I asked the guys if we could stop by a place to eat. They all agreed and we left to go find a restaurant. When we all walked in everyone's eyes fell on us. Gale whispered," They're all staring" "Just ignore it" I said. We ordered our food and while we were waiting to get it Reiki said, "Would guys want to go to a shop with me after this, I wanted to get a souvenir from here." "Sure" I said, "What about you guys." "I'm down" said Gale" "It will be fun" said Rin. "All right then it's settled" I said " After we eat we'll go to-" I looked at Reiki because I didn't know the place we were even going to. "Celestial Writing" Reiki said finishing it off for me. After we ate we started walking towards the store. I put my hands in my pocket to take my phone out but I didn't feel anything. Wait did I leave my phone at the photo shoot place. " Um...Guys I gonna go back to the place where we did the photo shoot, I think I forgot my phone there." I said while running back to the place. "What an idiot" I heard my friends say but I just ignored them.

Nashi's POV

Today was a long day I thought. Usually we aren't very busy but for some reason today we were. "The one day people come and I have to do it all by my self." I said while sighing. I should probably call Em and Nov to see how they're doing. Right when I was about to call them I heard the bell ring. I look up to the customers and say, " Hello welcome to Celestial Writing and how ma-" I stopped after realization hit me. The people now in front of me are no other than Reiki Fernandes, Rin Fullbuster, and Gale Redfox. The members of Fairy Tail.

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