Chapter 7

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Nashi's POV

It's been a week since everything happened, and things started getting better. Almost all my wounds are healed and I start work tomorrow. Emma and Nova found out what happened to me(They don't know that she hanged out with the guys yet) and said I could take a week off to get better. I was about to get something to eat and then my phone rang. I looked at it to see that Nova was calling me. I picked it up and before I could say anything Nova yelled, "Girl you have some explaining to do, come to the shop NOW!!" She hung up and I quickly started to get dressed. When I finished I ran out the door and towards the shop. After a few minutes I finally reached it. When I went inside I saw that Nova was red with steam coming out of her ears. Oh no I thought Someone is gonna die tonight. Nova Slowly walked towards me and yelled/screamed, "What the hell is this" while showing me a video. I looked at it and it was the one of me singing with Storm. Ugh someone must have recorded that and posted it online. "Look Nov i can ex-" but before I can finish Emma comes out of no where and say, "Well I wanna hear the reason why you never told us you can sing." "Well it all started... Wait WHAT.... that's why you guys are so mad" I said, "I though you told me to come here because I sang with a famous person, not to mention your idol." "Jeez Nashi chill, and why would we be mad at you for a stupid reason like that." said Emma. "Right.... so is that the only reason why you called my here." "Nope" they say at the same time "We want to hear you sing in real life." "What... guys are you serious, I mean I don't even sing that good" I say, but they just keep telling that i'll be fine and that I should do it. I finally agree and then think of a song to sing. Maybe I should sing the song I wrote the other day. I told them I picked my song and then out of no where Emma pulled out a microphone and gave it to me. Then I began to sing.

Emma's POV

Holy Crap I can't believe that Nashi could sing that good. I looked at Nova and i'm pretty sure that she felt the same. When Nashi finished she looked at us, but for some reason it looked like she was worried. "Hey you guys" she said, "I'm sorry you were probably expecting better" she said while putting her head down. Then I went towards her, picked her head up and said, "Nashi what the hell are you talking about that was amazing." Nova pitched in and said, "What Emma said... I can't believe you said you couldn't sing" "Aww thanks guys, but I kinda have to thank my parent for that. " said Nashi "Whoever your parents are, they must be real special." I said. "Yeah... they are" she said looking sad. The thing is, Nashi doesn't really talk about her family. Me and Nova never really pushed her because we thought that it was a touchy subject, but I can't deny that i'm not interested in it. "Well since i'm already here, might as well do some work." said our favorite pink hair girl. "Wait Nashi" I said "Yeah" "Can you tell us why you never talk about your family." "I was wondering that too" said Nova "Well I guess it's time you guys know"she said, "Well it's a long story so you should probably sit down." When we all sat down she started talking. My jaw dropped at every word that came out of her mouth.

Nashi's POV

Once I finished I looked at the girls and they both looked shocked. Maybe I shouldn't have told them I thought. After a few second they finally reacted by hugging me with tears in their eyes. "Hey why are you guys crying." I said "Ho-w c-an yo-u ex-pe-ct us not to" said Nova "Ya ex-pecia-lly after heari-ng a st-ory like th-at" said a teary eyed Emma. "Don't worry I'm okay now, so stop crying" "Alright" they said at the same time. "Alright so let's get back to work." "Hai" they say, and we start working. After a while a customer finally came. I was about to greet the person but then stopped when I saw who it was. I was my brother..... Luke Dragneel. What is he doing here I thought. I saw Emma and Nova walk towards me and ask me what was wrong, As soon as they saw Luke they knew what happened. Then Emma said in a whisper, "Hey Nash... you stay here, I can ring him up." "Alright" I said. Emma went up to him and a few minutes later he went away. Then Emma can back. "So what did he want" I said nervously. "He said he was looking for you, and he also gave me his number to call if I do find you." "What would he want with Nashi" said Nova. "I don't know" I say "But I have a bad feeling about it." "Then how 'bout you go home" said Nova. "What no.. I couldn't do that to you guys." "It's fine" said Emma "Just go". I nodded and then went home as quickly as I could. I made sure no one could see me because if Luke went to our shop, then he probably went to others to ask where I was. And i'm not really sure I can trust the people that live here. I was about to reach my apartment but that's when I saw raven hair in the distance. When I reached my house I see Storm leaning against my door. It looked like he was daydreaming, but I caught his attention by yelling out his name. "Storm what are you doing here." "I came to ask you something" "Couldn't you have just asked me on the phone. " "No I wanted to hear it in person and plus I needed to get a break from everything." "Alright" I say "Come inside". He follows me inside my apartment and then takes a seat. "So what did you need" "Well I want you to sing for me." "Why" I said "Well because....When you sang and the cafe your voice made me feel so light and it was just so beautiful. I want to hear it again." As soon as he said that I felt my face go red. But before I could response to him I saw him on his knees begging me to sing for him. "Fi-ne" I said my face still red. Then I saw a smile flash onto his face, he's so cute I thought. Ugh why do I keep thinking these though I say in my head. I quickly get rid of these thought, go to my drawer, and put up my music book (Sometimes when Nashi is bored she writes songs). I looked inside and find the song I want to sing, and then I start.

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