Chapter 15

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Nashi's POV
When my dad finished I was completely shocked, and I could tell the Fullbuster family was also. Everyone was silent but then Storm spoke up and said, "Wait....but if that man said you couldn't treat Nashi as if she was your family, how are you able to do it now." "Well that's very simple" said my father "We found out who the person that threatened us was, found his location, and put him in jail. His trial was yesterday and he was charged guilty, so we won't have to worry about him anymore." "So Nashi I know what we did was unforgivable, but trust us when we say we only did it to protect you" " So do you think we could be a family again." Asked mom. At that point I couldn't take it anymore and I fell on my knees and started crying. Everyone started coming up to me to make sure I was okay, even the maids did. "Nashi I'm sorry we said that, of course you wouldn't be fine with it" said my dad but I shook my head and said,"No, that not the reason why I'm crying, I'm just so happy that was all fake, and that you actually didn't mean it. And to answer your question I'd love to be a family again." I got up from the floor and wiped my tears away. Then Rin said, "I mean.... I hate to ruin the moment but our dinner is getting cold." and at that same moment my dad's stomach growled. We all giggles and Juvia said, "Rin is right, we should probably go eat now." We all went to the dinner table and ate. The parents started talking about grown up stuff, while us kids talked to each other. It was fun and nice being able to catch up with my brother. And guess what.... he even has a girlfriend. Sadly the night had ended and Storm dropped me off at my apartment. You might be wondering why I'm not staying with my parents now. Well you see...their house is a bit far away from here, and if I started living with them I wouldn't be able to see Nova and Emma often. It would also be hard to set band practices with the guys know that I am apart of their band. But my parents and I made a deal saying that the only way I would be able to stay at my apartment is that they would be able to send money for my rent every month. Even though I said they didn't have to do that, they insisted on it so I agreed. We soon reached my apartment and I got out of the car, said goodbye to Storm, and then walked in. As soon as I walked in I was expected to be bombarded by Nova and Emma.... but it never came. I went upstairs and on the couch I saw them both sleeping. I mean I don't blame them, it's about midnight now. I quickly rushed to the closet and got a blanket for them. I put it on them and them went to my room to change. I decided not to take a bath because I was too tired, and because I didn't want to wake them up. I got into my bed and slept instantly.

Time skip: Next Morning

I felt the sun on my face making me get up from the bed. I looked at my phone to see that it was about 8:30. Nova and Emma are probably still sleeping......I know I should make them some breakfast as thanks for getting me ready yesterday I thought. I went to get ready and when I was finished I quietly went downstairs. And my assumption was correct when I saw both of my friend snoring. I went into my kitchen and started to prepare some eggs, bacon, and pancakes for the three of us.

Nova's POV
I woke up to the smell of pancakes and I see Emma right next to me with a blanket on us.At first I was confused, but then I realized that Nashi probably did it. I woke Emma up and pointed towards the kitchen. She quickly understood my message and we both quietly walk in. My suspicion was correct and I saw Nashi in the kitchen flipping some pancakes, and on the table their was some bacon and eggs. She turned her head and saw us and said," Oh hey guys....I'm sorry did I wake you up." "No" said Emma "We did on our own". "Okay, well let's eat I just finished making breakfast" said Nashi. We all sat at the table and started eating. "So Nashi.....what happened yesterday"I asked. "Yeah come on tell us" said Emma. "Well....
"Wait all that really happened" I asked "Yeah" said Nashi. I looked at the clock in Nashi's room and saw that it was 8:45. Oh no we're gonna be late I though. I quickly grabbed Emma and ran towards the door, but before I left I said, "Thank for the food Nashi but we have to go or we'll be late for work." And then I left and ran towards the shop with Emma.

Nashi's POV
Well that was unexpected I though, might as well clean everything up. I cleared up the table and started washing the dishes. When I finished I went and sat on my bed feeling bored and not know what to do. Then suddenly I heard a ring and saw that it was my phone. I picked it up and answered it.

Nashi: Hello who is this
Storm: It's me Storm I called to say that we have practice today in about 20 minutes. Meet me at the Magnolia Park.
Nashi: okay

Well at least I won't be bored anymore I thought. But it is strange that Storm want us to meet and the park, usually he would just pick me up. Also his voice sounded strange....maybe I'm just imagining it, yeah....I probably am. I decided to start getting ready so I won't make Storm wait.

Time skip: ten minutes later
I get ready, grab my phone, and get out the door. A few minutes later I reach the park and I see Storm. The only problem is, is that his face for some reason looks confused.

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