Chapter 6

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Storm's POV

"Let the singing games begin." said the girl with brown hair. I looked at Nashi and whispered, "What are the singing game." " The singing games are where people sing songs, and whoever signs it the best wins $1,000 cash prize. It happens every Saturday, that's why I was in a rush to get you guys all here." she said still looking at the stage. "Have you ever competed." asked Gale "Sometimes"she said, "But i'm not really a good singer". Wait she sings I thought, I have to hear this. Then suddenly the same lady went to the micro-phone and said, "Do we have any volunteers" "Anybody" she said. "Well then I guess we-" Without thinking I raised my hand and said, "I'll do it". "Wonderful" she said "Well then come on up". I was about to move forward but Nashi pulled me down and said,"What are you doing, you're going to get caught" "O stop being such a worry wart." I said "Plus you're gonna sing with me". I quickly took her hand before she could protest and went up to the stage with her. I looked at the table were the guys were to only see Reiki shake his head in disappointment, and Rin and Gale giving me a glare telling me If we get caught it's all your fault., but I just ignored it. Then the lady came up to us and asked, "Well welcome back Nashi it's good to see you again, and who is your friend." "Oh my name is Sto-" But Nashi interrupted me and said, "Stacy her name is Stacy" while giving me a glare. Geez what's with people glaring at me I though. "Alright" she said "What song are you going to sing for us then." I couldn't think of a song but luckly Nashi did for me. She whispered in my ear, "How 'bout we do Heart Attack" "Alright" I said. We told the lady our song and she put it on. At first she was skeptical because the song is a boy and girl duet but we told her it's fine. Then we both moved towards the mic and started singing.

(I think we can all tell who is who)

OMG!!! I can't believe that Nashi said that she couldn't sing, like she may be even better than me, well.... maybe. While we were singing I noticed that the people in that cafe were looking at us, specifically me. I looked towards Nashi to see her look worried. Then finally I realized what happened. I look at the bottom of the stage to see a wig on the floor. I look at my head to see that the wig for my disguise fell off, and my cover was blown. Slowly people one by one started to notice who I actually was and started to walk towards the stage. I quickly took Nashi's hand and made a run for it. We ran out the door and into the streets. I found and alley way and quickly dragged myself and Nashi into it. "Hey can you let go of my hand" said Nashi. I look down to see me still holding her hand and I quickly let it go. "Do you think we lost them" I said in a whisper. "No, if I know anything about fans, it is that they will do anything to find their prey." As soon as Nashi said that, we heard a bunch of people running near us saying "Storm Fullbuster has to be some where here" or "I want him all to myself." Creepy I though. "What do we do " I said. We though for a while and then Nashi said, "I know what we can do, Storm call the rest of the guys and tell then to meet you at ******** Avenue. And here." while giving me a key. "What is this" I asked. "It's the key to my apartment, just follow the address and it will lead you there. I'll distract the fans while you run there." She said about to leave our hiding spot. But before she could go I pulled her back and said, "Wait I can't just leave you here to deal with them, what if you get hurt." "Don't worry i'll be fine, just go." she said with a smile. I signed and quickly texted the boys the address and than ran. I looked back to see Nashi running towards the fans, while I ran in the opposite direction towards her house.

Nashi's POV

I ran towards the fans and in a few seconds I was standing right in front of them. After a few minutes they finally realized me. "Wait it's Nashi" one of them said. "Wasn't she the girl who sang with Storm" said another "She probably knows where he is" said another fan. "Where is he" they all yelled at the same time. "Like I'd ever tell you" I said while sticking my tongue out. Then suddenly one girl went up to my face and said, "Well if your not gonna tell us then I guess we will just have to beat it out of you" with an evil smirk. By the look of their faces I could tell that they all agreed, and then they started to surround me. One girl pushed me while another kicked me is the stomache. I instantly fell to the ground. They kept kicking me for a few minutes, but then stopped. I was wondering why until one of the girls spoke up and said,"Ugh this is just a waste of time let's just leave." When they left, I quickly got of the ground and ran to my apartment. I didn't even give them another second to think about what they did. Even though it hurt, I couldn't risk then finding me again. Finally I reached my apartment and I went inside. To my surprise I saw the boys all quietly sitting on the couch not touching anything. But it didn't last long. When they all saw me multiple gasps could be heard, and they all started to run towards me to help. But instead of helping they just made things worse by giving me a headache by asking questions like "How did this happen" or "Who did this to you". "STOP" I yelled "I'm fine" I said trying sound like everything was okay, but they all saw right thru me. "Ya right you are" said Gale "You got bruises all over your body" "We have to take care of these right away" said Rin. Then Reiki said "Rin's right we have to treat these wounds right now." "Guys chill I'm fine everything's okay." I said while trying to walk away but Storm pulled me back. "No it's not" he said "You have to stop acting tough and let us help you, plus it's our fault you're in this mess. Now tells us where your first aid kit is." "But-" "No buts" he said "Now tells us were the kit is". I sighed knowing that I would never be able to convince these fools. I told them where my first aid kit was and Rin went to go get it. Then I was picked up by Storm (bridal style) and he put me on the couch. Then a few minutes later Rin came back with the kit and he treated my wounds. "So...what now" I said "Well it's too late late to go back to the hotel, and even if we did want to go back, because of a certain someone it would be hard to leave without getting noticed." said Reiki while glaring a Storm. "So I guess we're crashing you're place tonight" said Gale while laying down on the couch. "Fine" I said "But please don't touch anything" "We won't" they chirped. I sighed knowing that they were gonna touch something, but that's tomorrow's problem. I told them where the extra blankets and pillows were, and then I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

A Secret Voice (A Stormshi Fanfic)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum