Chapter 3

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Nashi's POV

What I internally scream. Out of all the people it could be,it had to be them. I can already feel the headache sinking in. "Are you okay ma'am" said the red haired boy whose name I think is Reiki. " Of course she isn't. How would you act if your favorite celebrities walked into the store you own." said the boy who I think is Gale. After hearing that I got furious, I wanted to rip the guys head of and throw it in the trash but I kept calm. I put a smile on m face and said, "Sorry to disappoint, but i'm not a fan." At first they all looked shocked, but them their faces slowly turned into smirks. The guy with Blue hair said, "So your the girl that Storms been taking about." "What do you mean" I said with a small blush, but I didn't show it. "What he is trying to say is that Storm told us about your encounter with him pinkie." said Gale. "Don't call my that. Plus my hair is salmon not pink." I said with a grumble. "Then what should we call you then ma'am" asked Reiki. "Nashi" I said. "So why are you even here anyways, and what happened to your other team mate." I asked trying to not sound worried, but they heard it. "Aww are you worried about my big brother." said Rin trying to taunt me. Before I could answer Reiki interrupted by saying, "We're here because I wanted some kind of souvenir from Magnolia." "Well all we have here is books will that be fine." I said trying to be nice. " It will do" he said. He asked we where the music books were and I told him where it was. Then he left me with his friends. "So what are you gu-" I was trying to say before I was interrupted by the store bell. I looked at the door and saw a panting Storm. "So you finally made it Storm" said Rin. "Took you long enough" said Gale. "Well *pant*what do you *pant*expect" said Storm,"It *pant*was 4 miles *pant*away." After a few minutes he finally contained his composure and looked at me. "Wait your the girl from last night" he said screaming. "Yes I am" I said coldly towards him. I still haven't forgiven him for what he said. "Well your a feisty one aren't ya." he said taking a step forward. "Whatever" I muttered. "So whats your name" he asked. "Nashi" I replied. "Just Nashi" he said. "Well no.. but I rather not tell you my last name" I said with some venom in my voice, But he ignored it. He kept pleading me to tell him my last name, but I kept saying no. I took a close look at him He's kinda cute I though, I shook my head no I can't think about something like that. Even if we became friends he would just use me like everyone else did.

Gale's POV( bet you didn't see that one coming)

"Wow I have never seen Storm act like that" I said. "Neither have I" muttered Rin. He must have really taken a liking towards her I though. I smiled, it's kinda funny to see him like that. Rin saw me and said,"Dude why are you smiling like that it's creepy" "It is not" I protested "Yes it is" I heard him say, but I ignored it. Then I saw Reiki come back with the book he wanted. He went towards Nashi and payed for the book. "Is that all you need" asked Nashi. Reiki replied, "yes". She was about to leave then I yelled, "Wait" "what is it"she asked. "Well I was wondering if you would gives us a tour around the town because we don't know very well." I said. She thought it for about a second then sighed, "Fine I guess I could, only if everyone else agrees tho." Storm agreed in a heart beat and Rin and Reiki both nodded. "I guess it's settled th-" before I could finish we all heard a few screams. We looked at the door to see dozens of fans hurling in front the door. Without hesitation Nashi ran to the door locked it and closed all the windows. Before we could speak she said, "There's a back door right next to the storage closet, you have to get out of here as soon as possible." Everyone except Storm started to run. I looked back to see him in front of Nashi writing something on her arm, it's probably his phone number so we can contact her I though as I continued running. A few seconds later Storm came out and we started walking towards the hotel. I fell kinda guilty leaving her, but i'm sure she'll be fine. Once we got to the hotel we were too tired to do anything so we just went to bed.

Nashi's POV

I watched as they ran to he back entrance but then Storm stopped. He grabbed a marker and took my hand. He wrote some numbers and then muttered, "This is my number I"ll text you the detail about the tour." I nodded then he left. I turned my head to the front entrance and walked outside. People were screaming like maniacs, are these people that desperate I though. I walked one step forward and with all my strength I yelled. "If no one if going to buy anything you better leave before I call the police on all of you." Slowly they started to leave, and soon no one was left. After what happened I decided to close the shop early and head home. While I was walking I looked at my hand, the one Storm wrote his number on. I slowly took my phone out of my pocket and started to put his number into my contacts. I started to walk on the edge of the side walk and I heard a man say, "Be careful kid you might just fall in". I smiled and replied, "I will sir". When I got home I took a nice warm bath, ate , and then went to bed.

Sorry for the short chapter. It should be longer next time.

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