Chapter 9

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Nashi's POV

The person was no other than








"Storm what are you doing" I said " The concert is about to start soon." "Well I wanted to see you before the concert started" I sighed and said, "You're so childish sometimes" "Storm come on... we have to be on stage any minute now." said a voice. We both turned around to see Gale. "Oh hey Gale" I said "Hey Nashi" he replied "Now Storm come on" "Alright" he said "Well bye Nashi" "Bye Storm" I said and the he left. I was about to leave but then Gale stopped me and said, " You know... Storm worked really hard these past few practice, he was even about to pull an all nighter. I just though that you should know." "Thanks" I said "Now do a good job up there" "Will do" he said before leaving. Then I quickly ran to get to my seat before the concert started. I made it just in the nick of time too. As soon as I sat down I heard Storm's voice on the microphone. "Welcome everyone to our concert, we hope you all enjoy. Now lets get this started." After he said that you could hear all the fan's cheers, when the commotion dial down a bit, they then started to sing.

(The songs the boys sang are down below. They sang them all together)

When the boys were singing I was so amazed by how good they were. I mean of course I always knew it , I just didn't want to admit it to them. When they finished Reiki went up to microphone and said, "Thank you all for coming and we hope you enjoyed the show. We all hope you'll all come to our next concerts." Then they all left. I quickly got out of my seat and ran back stage to see them. When I got there I was stopped by security. "I'm sorry miss, but I can't let you pass." "Wait what but i'm there friends." I said trying to get through "Well that's what they all say" said the tall figures. "Gilbert let her through... she's one of our friends." said a voice. I turned around to see that it was Rin. "Alright sir" said the man. They guys finally let me through and I went up to Rin and he said, "Hey long time no see" "Ya" I replied "I haven't seen you in so long" "Well come, i'm sure the rest of the guys would want to see you, especially Storm." he said. I blushed and stammered "Wh-at I do-n't kno-w wh-at you-'re tal-king abo-ut. " "Oh come on.... I can tell you guys both like each other. But i'm sure the rest of the guys can't tell yet, so i'l keep it a secret for now." I just ignored him and kept walking. What if he's right? What if I do like Storm. My thoughts were quickly interrupted by someone yelling my name. I look to my side to see Storm yelling my name. When he reached me he was panting like he just ran a marathon. "He-y Storm you alright." But he ignored me and asked me the question he had been waiting to be answered, the whole reason why I was here. "So how did we do? Did it change your mind about us?" "Yes" I said "And you guys did awesome there." When I said that his face lit up, and he smiled the biggest smile I had ever seen. "You're really that happy because I said that." "Ya of course I am, it's kinda a big accomplishment if you turn someone into liking you with only one show." he said "I guess you're right." "So hey where are the other guys" asked Rin who suddenly appeared in front of me. "Oh their waiting for us in our room." said Storm. "Alright then let's go they're probably wondering where we are." I said. Both the boys nodded and they led me to their room. I was soon in front of a big brown door that said "Fairy Tail" on it. As soon as I walked in Reiki and Gale said both greeted me. Then they both got up and Gale said, "Okay now that she's here lets go." "Wait where are we going." I asked "To your house" said Rin "Okay...... WAIT WHAT" "I guess we should have asked if we could come." said Reiki "Wait but why my house couldn't we go somewhere else." I protest. "Well your house is the comfiest place we have." said Storm "Plus the hotel room we're staying at is a mess" added Gale. "Fine" I said "But you better not make my house a mess" "Alright' they chirped. We got out of their room and went outside towards my apartment. While we were walking I couldn't help but wonder where Emma and Nova where. I hope there okay I thought. I guess Storm saw me worried and said, "Hey Nashi are you alright" "Ya i'm fine." I said while putting on a smile. He believed me and just kept walking with me and the others. I seriously hope nothing happened to them though. Wait.... why am I even worried, last time I checked Nova is a black belt in karate, and Emma knows some martial arts moves, they'll be fine. While we were walking I saw an ice cream parlor. "Hey guys how 'bout we go there." I said while pointing to the place. "Sure" "I'm down" "Alright " and Reiki just nodded. We went into the ice cream parlor, got our ice cream, and sat down at one of the tables they had. While we were eating I heard a ding noise and looked at the door. I was mortified at what I saw. Right then and there was Luke. I quickly went under the table to hide so he wouldn't see me. I felt a hand shake my shoulder and i turn my head to see all the boy giving me a WTF look. I signaled them to just continue what they were doing, and guess what they did. I saw Luke go to the manager of the store and do the same thing he did at Celestial Writing. A few minutes later he went away. I got up from the table and sat back in my seat. Then I heard Reiki say, " Nashi what the hell were you doing." I can't tell them now I thought, so I quickly mad up a lie and said that I dropped something. Storm and Gale looked a little suspicious but they all just nodded and we finished our ice cream. Then we got up an went to my apartment. Today couldn't get any worse I thought. But little did I know that I was very wrong. When I arrived at my house and let the guys inside, there sitting on my couch was a shocked and surprised Emma and Nova.

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