Chapter 8

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Storm's POV

When Nashi started singing, I was completely amazed. When she stopped she went up to me and asked, "Well how did I do." Without even hesitation I hugged her and said, "That was amazing why didn't you tell me you could sing." "Well you never really asked. Now can you let go of me." she said with a small blush forming on her face. I saw this and smirked while saying "Why, I though you'd like it" Her face turned bright red. "Aww is the little pinkie blushing." "Just let go alright" "Fine" I said while letting her go. She was about to go to a different room but before she did I said "You know you're really cute when you blush." She turned her head away and just muttered "Whatever" while leaving the room. When she left I went to the couch and sat on it. I couldn't help but keep thinking about the face she made when I hugged her. Maybe I should do it more often I though. Then my though were interrupted by my phone going off. I looked at it to see that I was Rin.

Bold = Storm

Italics = Rin

Hey bro where are you?

I'm at Nashi's Place

WAIT WHAT why didn't you tell us. We would have come with you

That's exactly why I didn't tell you

Why did you want to be with her alone?

Wait do you like her

What of course I don- well maybe

Aww my big brother has a crush

Whatever just don't tell anyone alright


I put my phone on silent so I won't be disrupted anymore. I'm not that worried about Rin keeping the secret, If there's one thing I know about my brother it's that he always keeps his promises. A few second later Nashi came back into the room less flustered, and she also had some snacks. "Sorry I was gone so long, I wanted to get us some snacks." She said while putting everything down. "Its fine and thanks" "No problem". We were both sitting down on the couch eating the snacks and that's when something that Nashi said popped in my head. "Hey Nashi you remember when you told me that you hated our band." "Yeah why" she said "Well i'm gonna make that change." "And how do you plan on doing that" she said curious. "Come to our concert next week and once you see how good we are you'll change your mind." "All right" she said "But under one condition." "What's that" "You have to give me three tickets instead of one. I want to invite my friends." "Deal" I said while giving her the tickets. After that We started talking for a bit and them I looked at my phone and saw that it was 2:00. Shit Reiki's gonna kill me if I don't come back now. "Well Nashi I gotta go before the guys get suspicious, see you next week." I said while walking out the door. Before I walked out the door I heard Nashi say "Alright bye Storm". I smiled and said "Bye" back. Then I started walking towards the hotel. When I got their all the boys except for Rin were wondering where I was. I just told them the park and they all believed it. I looked at Rin to see him smiling at me weirdly, but I just ignored it. Then Reiki spoke and said, "Anyways guys we should start practicing... I mean we do have a concert next week." "Fine" said Gale "Sure" said Rin and I just nodded. We went to the room with all our equipment and started rehearsing.

Nashi's POV

When Storm left I decided to call Nova and Emma to tell them what happened. Their gonna be so happy when they find out that I got us all tickets for Fairy Tail's concert. But i'm gonna have to make up a lie so they don't know that I got it from Storm. I hate that I can't tell them, but it for my safety and the guy's also. I pick up my phone and call them, when I tell them that I got tickets all I heard was Nova scream and then and thud ."Nova ... Nova Emma what happened to her" "Oh... she fainted" said Emma "I guess she's really happy that we got tickets to go see them, and the fact that you're coming along made it even better." "Oh...alright" "Wait I though you don't like Fairy Tail, and won't it be dangerous for you because your brother might find you." said Emma."Well I thought i'd give them a shot. And plus i'm sure Luke won't find me their because of how crowded it is." "True" said Emma "Alright we'll see next week, but promise me you won't go out till then.... I don't want anything to happen to you" "Fine I won't.. now stop worrying." I said. "Okay" she said and them she hanged up. I put my phone down and then sat on my bed. Wow i'm really lucky to have friends like Emma and Nova I though They really do care about me, I guess I shouldn't have doubted them. I looked at the clock in my house and saw that it was about 2:30. What should I do now I thought. At the end I just decided to watch some TV and relax but it's kinda hard to. I kept wondering why Luke was at the shop today, and why he was looking for me. I mean... why would they start to care about me now. I feel like there's something more to the story, but it's probably my imagination.

One week skip: 2 hours till the concert begins

"Nashi are you almost done" said an annoyed Nova. "Just give me a few more minutes." I say. I quickly finish putting on my clothes and make-up and then walk out the bathroom and into the living room where the girls were. "Alright i'm ready to go" "Finally I though we would never leave" said Emma "Hey" "Guys stop arguing and move" said Nova "Or else all the good seats will be taken." "Right" we both said and them we left my house. None of us had a car yet so we all had to walk there. When we finally reached the place we all saw that it was so crowded. " Man this place is crowded" I said to Nova and Emma but I got no reply. "Nova..Emma... come on guys this isn't funny." Then it suddenly hit me....we were separated. Calm down Nashi don't worry I'm sure they're somewhere around here. I kept searching but I couldn't find them so I just decided to watch it without them. I mean i'm sure i'll see them after the concert. As I was about to take my seat I felt a tap on my shoulders. I turn around and see a tall person with a hoodie and black glasses on. The mysterious person takes my hand and then dragges my away somewhere else. "Hey stop... where are you taking me" I said. But he didn't respond and he kept moving forward. The person stopped when we reached backstage, and pulled the hoodie that was covering his face down. The mysterious person was no other than







Nope not telling you yet. If you want to find out who it is you have to keep reading

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