Chapter 13

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Nashi's POV

Did Storm just say what I think he said. "Wait so your telling me, that they want me to come over to your house to meet them." "Yep I pretty sure I just said that" he said "Oh quit being a smart aleck about it." "So when should I come" "Umm... well the thing is they kinda want to see you tomorrow at about 7:00 p.m" "WHAT.... it can't happen tomorrow, I don't know what to say to them or what to wear or....or" " Nashi chill you'll be fine, and plus I'm sure your friend would be more than happy to help you" said Storm "You're right Storm, and you should probably go back to the hotel." "Huh.... you want me to leave already." He said with a pouty face. I rolled my eyes and said yes in a joking way. Then he left and I went inside to take a nice hot shower. After my shower I ate some food and texted Nova and Emma about tomorrow. The good thing was that they agreed to help, but the bad thing was that they get to pick out the outfit. And that part is kinda scaring me. After that I finally went to bed thinking about tomorrow.

Storm's POV
I went back to the hotel to only see Gale and Rin on the couch smirking at me. "Why are you looking at me like that" I said confused. Neither of them answered my question, but Instead Gale said, "So how was your date with Nashi" "What do you me- Oh...I get it, you two idiots planned this didn't you" "Okay first of we're not idiots" said Rin "And to answer your question yes we did plan it" " Did Reiki have anything to do with it" I asked " Of course not" said Gale "Did you see how he acted, I actually can't believe someone can be that dense." " You better pray he didn't hear that." I said " Also where is Reiki" " You were taking to long so he decided to go to sleep." said Rin "But never mind that, did you tell Nashi about tomorrow" " Yep well it's getting late I'm going to bed." I said while walking to my room. But before I left I heard both the boys saying goodnight, but I was too tired to respond. I quickly changed and then fell asleep.

Time skip tomorrow

Nashi's POV
*Ring* *Ring* I woke up and started the day. First I took a shower and then ate. All I really had to do was wait for Nova and Emma to come here, but that's not going to happen until a few hours. They said that they were going to bring everything, like makeup, the brushes for it, and most importantly what I am wearing. Even though I told them they don't have too, they only said, "If you feel so bad about it, then treat us to something one day." So basically after they said that I stopped telling them that. *Ding* *Dong* Who could that be I thought. I quickly went downstairs and opened the door to see Nova and Emma. "Hey Nashi you ready to get upgraded" said Nova "what do you mean upgraded" I said "I'm perfect just the way I am" I said with a pouty face. " Chill Nashi I'm sure she didn't mean it like that." Said Emma. "Oh by the way, why are you guys here so early.... we still have a few hours." " Nashi you dummy" said Nova " You do realize that it's 2:00 pm right." " WHAT" I said "Well I mean it makes sense" said Emma "Knowing you, you probably were worrying about the whole thing last night not even giving yourself the chance to sleep." "N-o" I protested but they saw right through me. "Ok fine maybe a little bit. But let's talk about that later, you guys have to get me ready for tonight." I let them in and we all walked to my bathroom. "Alright lets get started" they said together.

Time skip: about 4 and a half hours

It took a long time but they finally finished. I looked in the mirror and I could not believe my eyes, it was like I was a totally different person.

(This is what Nashi's dress/shoes/hair look like. Pretend the hair in the picture is pink)

 Pretend the hair in the picture is pink)

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" I can't believe you guys did this, you really are amazing

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" I can't believe you guys did this, you really are amazing." "You can thank us later, Storm is probably waiting outside" said Nova. "Alright...I'll see guys later right" " Yep we're gonna stay at your apartment till you come back, plus we wanna hear what happens straight from you" said Emma "Bye" I said before walking out. I walked out of my door and saw the same car as before. But this time instead  of that man being their, Storm was. "WOW Nashi.. you look um.." " Is is ugly" I said worried " No of course not" he said " I was trying to say you look gorgeous but it didn't come out right." " Oh okay" I said while blushing but he didn't see it. "Well we should get in" " Okay" Me and Storm both went into the car and the driver started driving to Storm's house. "So... are you're parents nice" I ask "Yeah... why do you ask" " Oh so reason" I said but he saw right through me. "You're nervous aren't you" he said looking worried. "Well kinda.. I've never met your parents so.." "Don't worry" he said " They're very nice people, especially my mom. Though at first my Dad might seem cold hearted he really isn't, so if he acts that way don' t be worried." " Alright" I said and then for the rest of the car ride we were both silent. Finally we reached Storm's house, and let me tell you it was huge. It was like a thousand times bigger than my apartment. We both got out of the car and the driver drove off somewhere. "Okay how about we go inside, my parents and Rin are probably waiting"  said Storm. " Oh yeah I forgot Rin was going to be here too." I said feeling embarrassed "Well never mind that let's go" said Storm "Alright" I said and then we both walked in. As soon as we walked in a bunch of maids and butlers crowded us asking things like "Oh is this the young lady we were expecting" " My isn't she pretty" and one asked Storm if I was is girlfriend. I blushed when they asked that and I saw that Storm was too. "Okay everyone how about we give my son and the guest some room" said a loud husky voice. Everyone quickly walked away and continue to do what they were doing before. I turned my head to where the voice came from to see a tall man with Raven hair and gray eyes and right next to him was a women with blue hair and her eyes were just like Storm's. I also saw Rin behind them. "You are Nashi correct" said the same voice but this time it was more fierce. I flinched and I guess the women saw it because then she said "Dear please try and be more gentle to our guest." Said the women next to the man. Then the women turned to me and asked, "Your names is Nashi right" she said in a gentle tone. "Yes" I respond. "Hello my name is Juvia Fullbuster and this is my husband Gray Fullbuster, we are Storm and Rin's parents." "It's a pleasure meeting you Mr. and Mrs. Fullbuster" I say. "Well how about we talk during dinner" said Mrs.Fullbuster. "Alright" I said and we all walked towards the dining table. " So Nashi" said Mr.Fullbuster "Just out of curiosity, can you tell me why you were singing with my son" "Dad" said Storm and Rin but I looked at them and told them it was fine. "Well Mr.Fullbuster" I said but before I could continue he said, "Nashi you can call me Gray, same for my wife Juvia." I nodded and continued. "Well Gray... your son and his band asked me if I can show them around the town because they were not familiar with it. One of the places I showed them was a music cafe and Storm insisted that I sing with him." "Is that true " said Gray as he looked at his son. "Yes" he said. "Alright now that that matter is out of the way, let's enjoy this meal." said Gray (sounding more happy) as he snapped his fingers. About a second later a bunch of maids came and set down a ton of food. When everything was placed down we then began to eat. "Oh yes Nashi I forgot to mention that we will be having another guest that will be arriving shortly. Is that fine with you?." said Juvia. " Yes" I said and then went back to eating. Then about a few minutes later the door bell rang and one of the butlers opened the door. I look to see the the mysterious guest was my family. Natsu, Lucy, and Luke Dragneel.

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