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I avoided Toyin. I didn’t have the strength for a fight this morning. It’s one of those days when I feel like shit. When I do the self loathing, over thinking and procrastinating thing.

It’s that time of the month and my hormones are going bonkers. Just like every woman out there, I hate menstruating. I’d take doing laundry all day to this torture.

Anyway, today is the day I have to go in for my rescheduled inquiry with the boss. I look misery as I check myself out in the bathroom mirror. My eyes at puffy and my stomach is hard as stone.

The pain. Let’s talk about the pain. It feels like someone’s stabbing in the stomach with every bolt of pain.

I stopped at the office and tried to gather myself before going to his office for the interview. I looked visibly sick, but I opened no one would pay close attention. My make up needed no touch up because I only applied some three hours ago.

I dragged myself to the CEO’s office. I knocked on the door and his voice ushered me in.

“Good Morning Sir.”

“Good morning. Have your seat.”

I sat down gingerly on the chair. You-know-what started flowing like the river?

“We couldn’t take the interview yesterday, so I decided to get it over with today.”

“But you look really pale. Are you okay?”

“Yes, I am fine. It’s nothing I can’t handle.”

“Alright. I’ll make it quick so you can get back to your office.”

Maybe he really likes me. I mean, the concern in his voice and the urgency in the way he is asking makes me think it’s true. Or it could be the way he treats everyone.

“It’s a rap Miss Oyinkan. Your portfolio is very impressive. Now I see why my dad hired you.”

“Thank you.”

“You can leave now. We are done.”

I sat there trying to gather myself before standing. He fixed his eyes on me, as if he was trying to detect what the problem is making me feel embarrassed. Halfway to the door, I felt a gush of blood down there and then a contraction that made me squeak.

I made it out the door and headed straight for the bathroom.

Come the next few weeks, Demilade and I had developed what I would be a good boss and employee relationship. And this has remained behind closed doors of his office.

He can be evasive. When I like someone, I like to know who they are, their stories and dreams. With him, it’s just small talks and when it’s not inquiring about my day, I am the one sharing my personal business with him. Sue me, he is easy to talk with.

I figured I really liked him. I felt like I knew him. When we talked, which we did sometimes, I could tell the person he was. He had a very positive vibe about him, which I loved.

Once in a while, the Big Boss, like I call him, still comes to check up on things. I didn’t like it whenever he comes around; he makes me uncomfortable. He tries his luck in asking me out again, saying dumb shit like: I’ll take care of you, or I’ll give you the world.

As always, I reject his unsolicited advances and be respect himself each time. I wonder what Toyin would do to me if she knew her Zaddy wanted me to. I don't think they are mutually exclusive.

Then it happened, the day I made the biggest decision of my life. It was a Thursday. Demilade showed up in my office, looking gloomy and pale. I knew something was wrong because he didn’t say hi to any of us like he always did.

The Heart Wants What It Wants (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now