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Demilade’s Pov 

The next morning, I woke up very early as I had to be at work. I still had to go change my cloth at home. I didn’t want to wake Lucy, so I tried to leave as quietly as possible.

After yesterday, people might think I am crazy for standing up for Lucy. Lucy and I have known each other since college. She knows my story and I know hers. I am too loyal to leave her based on what people have said about. Yeah! She’s a little crazy, but deep down in all of that ghetto, she’s just as scared as anybody else.

“Where are you sneaking off to?” She asked from somewhere in the dark. I squinted so I could make out her figure in the dark. She then emerged slowly.

“I’m not sneaking. I’m only heading home.” I replied.

“What was that yesterday?” She asked, shooting me a suspicious look, but I pretended not to see.

“Nothing. I was just tired. I had a long day.”

“Well, I could make all that go away.” I watched as she drove her manicured nails up and down my shirt.

“I really have got to get to work. I’ll call you.” It’s a promise.

  I exited through the door and went over to my car. More like I ran out of there. She’s a sleek one. She could undress me in a matter of seconds.

I got into my car and turned on the ignition but it wouldn’t start, although it sounds like it would pick up. I cursed at it then prayed for it to start. Lucy smirked at me at the doorstep.

I knew exactly what she was going to do. There is no way I am catching a taxi this early. She’s going to offer to help and Oyin is going to see her and that is going to stare some more shit up.

“What’s going on?” She asked. I looked up to find her staring at me.

“It won’t start. It’s been acting up for a while now. I guess I’d have to take a cab.” I told her, already trying to dismiss her from helping me.

“I can drive you. You know you won’t get one out here, plus it’s too early.” She said.

It wasn’t a bad idea, but I thought it was a bad idea. Lucy was looking for trouble again, I could tell. That’s her I’m looking for trouble face.

“Don’t worry about it.” I tried to discourage her.

“I want to drive you home.” She whined.

“Aren’t you cold?” She wore her very thin nightie, and I was concerned.

“I’m fine.” She replied eagerly.

  I watched her drive the car out of her garage and backing out slowly.

  “Get in!”

I got in and she drove off. The road was really dry, just a few cars here and there. Lucy still cursed a few drivers before reaching my house. She has quite the temper of this one.

“I think you should apologize to Oyinkan. She didn’t deserve what you did to her yesterday.” I said.

“Not a chance. I did nothing wrong.”

“Let me rephrase. You will apologize to her.” I glared at her.

“Fine.” She surrendered.

“Good.” I said, trying to hide my surprise

“You have been talking about her a lot. Should I be worried?”

“What… a what!? Of course not.” I am stammering. Why am I stammering?

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