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  It’s been three days now since our conversation and our relationship has plummeted. It’s like it went from worse to good then to worse again. We hardly said a word in the house.

He didn’t render any apology to me and it felt like he just crawled back into his shell. Plenty of times we would pass each other in the house, but apart from exchanging greetings, we barely said anything else.

  I wanted to ask him, but then my self-respect wouldn’t let me. I just watched in silence as we grew apart, weeks after weeks. I can’t keep doing this. My heart wants what it wants. And that was to go back to how things were.

I left my room, grabbing my purse in a hurry. I was running late. Grace came to pick me up and I am grateful.

We don’t leave too late from each other. I opened the door and I look into my bag to see if my phone is in there but as I walked on completely distracted I hit my leg on a really small step demarcating the hall and the living room.

And I trip, fully knowing what comes next. I braced myself but fortunately, someone grabbed me before I could hit the ground.

 I looked up to see who my savior was, and it was none other than... Demilade!. His hands are on my waist, gripping the flesh tightly, but not in a way that it hurts while I had my hands also gripping his forearm. It didn’t look like we would release ourselves pretty soon.

 Quickly, I thought about how Grace could be anywhere near and I imagined her yelling at me with her accent, so I reluctantly let go and backed up a little. I let out the breath I was holding.

He released me gently, his eyes not giving anything away. While my heart was pounding in my chest, he looked unaffected.

“Thank you.” I didn’t wait for his reply.

Grabbed my purse and exited. I took several breaths at the doorstep. When I'm alone, I would relish that memory. Right now, I have to be in the car that pulls up sometime later.

Grace waved at me, and I hurried to meet her. I hope she doesn’t notice how flushed my face is.


Demilade’s POV

she’s lost in thought I could see, she doesn’t look up from her bag as she approaches the step. I wondered how she could look so damn pretty without makeup.

The store uniform seemed to be made for her. She paired the pink vest with a jean high waist short skirt, and badass gladiator sandal and with her natural hair pulled it into a bun.

I knew and planned for what was about to happen. I grabbed her as she almost hit the ground.

Surprised, her shut eyes fluttered open to reveal the sexiest pairs of eyes ever. She looked at me with such vulnerability that i would have loved to pull her into a hug and tell her all would be well. And kissed her too if weren’t just friends.

Something told me “you don’t want to kiss and hug your friends”. At least not in the way i was thinking it.

“I may not be beautiful, but remember I have feelings too and get hurt too!” The memory haunted me

Her words a few days ago still rang in my hearts. I felt bad, but I knew quite right that apologizing to her would only give room for another mistake, so I wore mask. I missed her, her laugh, quirks, and weirdness. It felt good to have someone comfort me during my times of need, but I can’t do the same if I want to protect her.

“Thank you” the words broke me out of my reverie and I released her, steadying her on her feet. Like a flash, she’s out the door.

I watched as she exited and I made my way to the window and watched how she half walked and half ran to a car. Why would she think she is not beautiful though when she’s smashing? Then an idea bell rang in my head and I figured it’s something I could do for her.


  The ride to work was oddly quiet... Grace is the definition of grumpy. She hardly said a word to me. I asked her where she was from and she replied in her husky voice I was getting used to.

“Australia.” That was the only thing she said. I was grateful for the quiet really because it gave me enough time to think about the moment Demy and I shared not too long ago.

I could feel a pit in the depth of my tummy gave me a strange surge of happiness. It felt like it was just both of us on the surface of the earth and time and space flew by. It was only for some seconds, but it kept giving me a zingy feeling.

We got to work safely, and the time flew past. I was eager to go home to him, to see him, even though the feeling was wrong. After a busy day, I went home. Sauntered home and when I almost got home, I saw Daria, her boyfriend(recognized from the picture at her house), and one other guy.

“Hey Oyin” I smiled at the way she called my name. I went close to them even though I was tired of exchanging pleasantries.

“Good evening.” I pulled her into a hug.

“You look beat. This is my baby, and this is Ralph.” She introduced. I shook hands with her boyfriend first, then Ralph, who held my hand longer than necessary. I saw he was watching me, but not in a creepy way.

“Where are you guys heading to?” I asked the couple. Ralph was still staring at me, making me a little shy.

“We are seeing Ralph here off and maybe take a walk after.” She told me as she linked hands with her boyfriend.

“Cool. I’d leave you guys to it then. Bye.” I almost made my way out of the group when I heard.

“Oyin! We would have a small party if you’d like to come tomorrow. It’s just a backyard thing some drinks and barbeque with a few friends if you’d like to come...” she said and I can’t help but smile brightly.

“Really?” I was super excited at the same time. It stoked me to get invited.

“Yeah.” She answered equally smiling. “Wow! I’d love to!” I replied “Cool. See you then.” She says and then pulls her BF along. I saw Ralph wave back, staring and smiling at me. I pretend to take no notice, concluding he is a weird.

  I entered the living room to meet Demilade in the dimly lit living room. It has gotten darker since I got home. I greeted him the usual way and headed for my room.

“My parents are coming here to spend some time with us,” he said, and I halted. That is not something I want to hear right now.

“Why? What’s going on?” I asked and moved closer so he wouldn’t have to shout and I’m too tired to keep standing as well.

“My dad called me to ask if we were having troubles at the company. Some mole he has called him and told him something was off in the office.” He said, and I knew he was trying to keep his anger in check.

“It’s cool. I could tell them the truth then.” I blurt before thinking about it... This is stress does to you.

“What? We can’t and won’t tell them anything. That is not the plan we had.” I heard the couch make noises and I could tell he stood up and was coming toward me.

“But why not? The reason I did what I did was to save your relationship, but there is no relationship anymore. Let’s just go our separate ways.” I tried to make him reason with me.

“And I lose my inheritance, everything I have worked for, or what do you think would happen if we break apart just four months into our marriage?”

He is close now and I could feel the hair on my skin stand up. He’s scaring me and I think it’s on purpose.

“So what do you propose we do?” I asked, backing away a little for breathing space.

“We continue to pretend and act the part. Husband... he points to himself and then to me... And wife.”

“Fine. “I agree if that’s the only thing that would make him stop talking so much and let me go to my room to rest.

“Good. And remember, it has to be believable or everything I promised you is gone.”


Wished I could tell him I didn’t do this for his money, but I said it inwardly as I left for my room. Can’t believe I like him. I wondered why this inheritance is such a big deal. But then, who doesn’t like money?

The Heart Wants What It Wants (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now