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Hello guys,
To the people who have been following up on the story, I say thank you. Please try to vote, comment and if there are tips you want to give me on how to improve my writing, please do. I would really appreciate it. Thank you.

I tried to convince myself that I was still angry at Demilade, which I still am, by the way. I thought he was selfish, only thinking about himself, but I hated I couldn't voice out my thoughts even more.

When I agreed to this, I automatically said yes to everything until they settled abroad. I can't complain and he didn't do wrong, yet. If he doesn't include me in the decision making and tells me things last minute, next time I am going to be mad at him.

I stayed in my room for the rest of the day so he'd miss me and crave my presence as dumb as that may sound. I have been in my room since 10 o'clock and it's five in the evening now and I'm extremely bored.

I had gotten tires of viewing photos of celebrities and watching videos on Instagram. 7 hours is a really long time. I went out for a while, so I wore my slippers and left my room.

As soon as I stepped out, I realized all I wanted was to see him. Its not a great feeling I tell you. I saw him watching TV in the living room, but I headed for the kitchen first. I wanted junk food but there wasn't any, so I opted for a fanta.

I sat down quietly beside him, my heart hammering in my chest. I didn't want to like him and now I had a crush on him, just great. Quickly I remembered something.

"Have you eaten?" I asked before I could analyse the question. It wasn't an inappropriate question to ask, I concluded.

He turned to face before shooting me a small smile, "Yes I have".

"OK." It went quiet again as both of us turned back to the TV. But then it didn't last long because I realized I needed to tell him something important. I cursed myself for having to talk to him again.

"You know... I began... I have never travelled out of Nigeria before. There is a visa and passport requirement. I don't have those, so how..."

"I'm working on it. You don't have to worry." He told me and he didn't care to elaborate. He turned back to the TV and I couldn't help but be angry at the way he acted sometimes. He made angry by just doing nothing.

"And you don't have to worry about the money. I need you to just provide with necessary documents when I ask for them," He said, still not looking at me.

"Okay". I stood to leave, sensing that the conversation had ended. I was partly angry at how he always ignores me and just this morning he asked us to be friends.

"Where are you going? I thought we were watching this together?" I turned around when he said. "Sit with me"

"I'd rather not," I replied dryly while gritting my teeth. I really wanted to sit with him, be around him all the time, but the sooner I learn to control my desires, the better.

"Come on. Stop being stubborn".

I stood still, contemplating on if I should agree or not, but the anger deflated the moment he grabbed my hand. It was the first time he'd touched me.

I didn't feel tingling or anything like that, but in his touch I felt something I didn't want to stop feeling. I felt like he could be mine, but then he wasn't. It was crazy.

While we were watching High Strung, I stole glances at him. He didn't look at me. His attention was solely on the movie. He must really love Lucy to do this for her. No one had ever loved me like that except my mom.

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