Chapter 8

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"This room is grand!" Sheila cooed as she looked around while I tipped the bellhop.

I knew what the room looked like, it was my regular suite when I stayed here, only not as mister Benson. Not under my syndicate name either. I didn't mention that to Sheila.

"Check out this bed, it's huge!" Sheila exclaimed after I'd shut the door behind the bellhop.

Another thing I wouldn't mention to Sheila, the number of girls I'd hammer-fucked on that bed or the number of wet-spots and stains I'd left behind over the years. I liked this room. Never punched a mark's clock here. No, this room was for relaxation and pleasure away from who I really was. Now I shared it with my true pleasure, Sheila, who was now off checking out the bathroom.

"Now 'THIS' is a bathroom. We both can fit in this tub." She called out from the very roomy bath.

I liked how she was thinking; both of us in the tub, THAT I was looking forward to too. Anything involving Sheila naked with her small perfect boobs pointing at me with her luxury sized nipples perfect for suckling I was into. Then there were the 14 days together on a cruise ship. She'd be walking bowlegged by the time we returned to port; and she'd be all too happy about it and an equal instigator... accomplice, yes, that fit better.

I'd called room service and the concierge had brought Sheila her wine, though she didn't open a bottle, yet, and me my cannabis. Sheila opted to indulge in the weed with me. I thought after the smoke she'd pop a cork on the wine, rather she drank water with me. By now our hunger was setting in strong, and not just from the smoke. We'd left the house without eating, turned down what the airline offered and had only had what was in the limousine on the way to where we were now.

Sheila suggested going to the hotel restaurant; I however knew the quality of the food, condition of the kitchen, and disapproved of both. I was in upper class dress and upper class mode, I recommended a more upper class joint to eat at. It was my kind of place, and I thought Sheila's also. I was also fairly certain I wouldn't run into any of my one night wonders there.

It didn't take her long to reconsider her choices; Sheila decided to go with my suggestion since this was 'my town' as she put it. I utilized the Hotel Ransford's complementary limousine service, for those whom rented an upper class suite. For two crown a night, complementary hell, I'd paid for it.

The limo dropped us off at the main or 'grand' entrance to the dinner club then went off to park with all the other limo's around back. It would wait for us, however long we took. For two crown a night, it'd better.

Sheila's eyes sparkled when we entered the joint. I was giving her the imperial treatment and she was loving every moment of it, as any girl would. Chicks dig that shit. Can't say I didn't either. But Sheila wasn't some gold digging debutant. She might have been country, but she was all class and worth every bit I was spending on her. I was also all class. And for a dame like Sheila and everything she'd given me, I wasn't holding anything back on this vacation, anything.

The concierge greeted us and asked if we had a reservation. I hadn't made one. By the look in his eyes and on his face I knew we were about to be rejected. I wasn't about to let that happen; and I was a brazen fellow. I picked a quarter crown piece from my pocket, took his hand and placed it in his palm.

"I just returned to town, didn't have time to make one." I shot him my superior smile. "I'm sure that won't be a problem.

He gave me a small bow. "For you sir, no problem at all. We are happy to have you here sir." He said as he pocketed the coin.

The concierge was from Portugal, I could tell by his accent which was very thick. He led us into the dining area as I selected a 10 shilling piece from my pocket.

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