Chapter 40

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"How'd it go lover?" My goddess asked me.

Nodding as I approached her I said, "Good, good. Because deleting the police records was out of the question, I edited both the hospital and police files. Gordon Grove no longer exists in either system; however, you will need to create something about Grover Grossman."

She smiled at me. "Grover Grossman, nice edit my lover."

I smiled large back, it made me feel good, really good when she liked what I did. My smile dropped fast though when I saw the pile of Nicholas on a surgical table in front of her. She had him sedated currently but would fully anesthetize him soon; she'd have to in order to operate on him. She had the device I'd invented that she'd used on Lydia to search for metal in her body clamped in an adjustable arm holding it over him.

I walked over to where she had the device, my thoughts were scrambled eggs. "I call it Zandivision. It's mostly sonic, like sonar. I guess the technical name for it should be a soniscope, because of how it works. It also uses light, certain spectrums of light..."

Zandie came up to me and put a hand on my shoulder. She knew I was rambling on trying not to think of what was about to occur; we would be operating on Nicholas. I hated the sight of blood to begin with, the thought of helping my lover do a surgery, having my hands in blood, inside a body, I cringed at the thought.

"You'll do fine. Just focus on my voice; if you start to feel too woozy, look at me." I looked at her, she smiled at me with confidence.

I looked back at Nicholas' unconscious form on the table. "I hope so." I closed my eyes. "You said he'd held back?" I sighed feeling low. "I know him, known him all my life. I should've known he wouldn't flog her to death; he's not a fool, calculating, that's him. He'd have known, he never would've..."

"My lover, I fucked the dog too on this... mess we've created. You stood by me. I appreciate that; you haven't seen Nicholas for... well, quite awhile. I'm the cause of this, not you." She told me.

Her words didn't help. "I accused him, blamed him for killing a girl. I hadn't thought. Because of what he does, I jumped to a false conclusion. I was prejudiced against him, had I thought things out like I usually do, I would've better advised you. Things wouldn't have gotten this far and you'd have found the metal with him still here and operated sooner. I may have killed Nicholas because of prejudice."

My lover removed her hand from my shoulder. "Past is past. We have to get to work, so he won't die." She stated then walked over to where her surgical tools were.

"We'll need to intubate him." She said as she picked up what she'd need. "I'll put the tube in then you start the anesthesia. You'll do great, with your attention to detail, you'll make a great anesthesiologist." I knew she was trying to build my confidence.

She was right though, I was very detailed orientated. That was a quality a good anesthesiologist needed. I watched as my goddess intubated Nicholas. That didn't bother me, no blood. I hooked the tubes up that would breathe for Nicholas; the I.V. was already in place, I snapped the I.V. bag connector onto the part that went into his arm, catheter? I think that's what Zandie called it. Then I activated the machine that would manage his I.V., he'd be deep under soon.

"What... what's going on. What are you doing to Gordon?" I recognized the voice, Lydia's voice. Zandie and I spun around in the direction of her voice simultaneously.

"Lydia!" My goddess ejected with both shock and concern. "Dear heart, what are you doing up? Back to bed with you, you're in no condition... back to bed with you!" She ordered.

Lydia moved forward, her face became insolent and angry. "I asked what are you doing to him?"

My lover was about to say something, I took over for her. "Saving his life. Drop the attitude, your body needs rest and getting worked up is the opposite of that. You're coming with me so Zandie can succeed in her endeavor to save our friend." I told her.

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