Chapter 66

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I meant what I'd said to Zandie, and Holland as well. I wasn't anyone's killer for hire. When I left the girl I was truly in love with alone with Zandie, I didn't know if I'd see her alive again. Zandie was a cold hearted bitch, my little voice didn't have a thing to say.

If we were going to move on, we needed to work together, at least that's what I told myself and that was the reason I'd left Lydia to face Zandie. They'd gotten off easy with the dirty work. Their hands always stayed clean. Enough of that, it was time for them to put something on the line and not just hide in a safe place. I was right about Lydia. I could feel it in my heart of hearts that I was right. Lydia had started caring about innocent people and not wanting them to suffer the fate of her condition. That said a lot to me and was something Holland and Zandie had been shielded from.

As I started down the hall to find Holland so I could talk with him, I hoped I'd see Lydia alive again. I'd gotten used to calling her Randi, but that would change if she survived the wrath of Zandie.

"Holland." I said when I walked into the garage.

"Nicholas." He answered, looking at me with his head down and both hands in his pockets.

I walked up and stood beside him behind the railing that seemed to no longer have a purpose, it was just railing stuck in the floor. Minutes passed as we stood there silently. I wasn't sure how to start this conversation. We had to talk this through. Though it all may be a moot issue if Zandie pulls the trigger. I could almost see Lydia on her knees in front of Zandie with a gun to her head. Nausea rolled over me. What kind of monster was I leaving her there like that? I had no inkling as to how this would turn out. I'd probably lost Lydia forever.

Holland seemed to be having the same problem I was. We looked over at each other several times only to look forward at nothing again without saying a word. After a bit, Holland leaned over the railing putting his arms on it for support. Not long after, I joined him in the leaning on the railing. I felt like we should be watching something below us.

"So the island was nice, was it." Holland eventually said.

"A-yup, very."

"Hotel treat you right?" He asked.


"What level did they put you at?"

"Diamond, founders diamond."

"Good, good. Wasn't sure if my dad would agree to that. I'm still on the outs with the family." Holland said.

We fell into a silence for a bit, watching the floor on the other side of the railing. Holland was working himself up to say something, I could sense that. After this many years, we could read each other well, even after the years that had passed.

"You should've snuffed that twat and you know it. This'll end up just like it did with Danny and Kristy, she'll fake it, then start random killing and eventually, when you figure it out, she'll try and kill you." He said.

"No, you're wrong. I've spent a lot of time around her. You haven't. Lydia is nothing like Danny and Kristy. They were older, they loved to kill. They didn't want to change they just wanted to get better at killing and learn how to keep from getting caught. Lydia isn't faking anything." I told him.

"Fuck, that twat must be something special to mess you up like this dude. I realize she's cute as fuck and has a smokin' hot body with titties just your size, but shit dude, you've never gotten hung up on a chick before and you've boned some hotties. Lydia must have fucked you better than any chick has ever fucked a boy before in all the history of boys and girls fucking." Holland commented.

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