Chapter 75

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The loudspeakers announced the arrival of the flight the Scotsmen that were coming to deal with me were on. Sasha and I were ready for them. Tullis and his boys hadn't planned on meeting them, which, would be basically normal in this given situation. But it was also generally accepted that Norval Tullis wasn't the sharpest knife in the cutlery set.

The last thing they'd be expecting, is that their mark would be waiting for them at the airport. I watched as people deplaned and made their way through the security checks. The two weren't hard to spot, dressed mostly in denim, looking and acting like former military persons. There was a slim off chance that they weren't my boys, but I highly doubted it.

Sasha was stationed outside with a limousine holding up a sign with their names on it. Either this would work, given Tullis was accepted as a moron, or they'd ignore the sign and grab a cab. My guess was that once they saw the sign, they'd want it gone as quick as possible, and to do that, getting in the limo was the fastest way.

After they'd retrieved their baggage, which was two large backpacks, they started out the front of the airport. I radioed Sasha and she made ready holding the sign.

"Believe this, do you? Look." The taller of the two said and gestured towards Sasha and her sign.

"No, this can't be." The other said then looked to his counterpart. "Maybe after we do this job, maybe we just take over. Couldn't be too hard 'eh?" He commented with a large smile.

As I hoped, they went up to Sasha, one of them grabbed the sign and jerked it from her hands and folded it in half. Sasha curtsied a little then opened the door for the boys. They climbed into the back of the limousine and she shut the door then went over to the drivers door and got in.

Sasha pulled away from the curb and headed for the freeway. The divider between the driver and the passengers was black and offered no view from either side, so her two victims in the back had no idea she'd put on a gasmask. By the time she pulled the limo back into its spot at TullisTower, her two passengers looked like they'd fallen asleep, which, they had at one point. She took off the gasmask and checked for a pulse on each of the corpses in the back; all was as planned so she closed the door and went to where her bike was.

We met up at a park and found a secluded location to watch Tullis in his office from while we smoked some herb and sipped cool soda. He was starting to squawk to his people about the Scots being late; eventually he sent one to check on the flight and its arrival time. The person returned and informed Tullis the plane had landed several minutes early and had already been fueled and was on its return flight.

"Where the hell are these fucks? How fucking long does it take to get from the airport to this fucking place? These fucks walking or what? This is what I'm paying for?" He ranted as he paced and looked at various people as he clamored on.

Tullis paced and looked at his watch repeatedly. It was close to two hours now since we'd returned the limousine. He asked questions his crew had no ability to answer and became angry when they couldn't. The usual Norval Tullis routine. I was expecting him to start throwing things or possibly check the names at the airport to see if his people had made the flight. I wouldn't put it past him.

Instead he called in Thane. When he arrived Thane looked like he'd been sleeping under a bridge; that thought made me remember what Tullis had done to him. I wondered if he really was sleeping in the electrical room in the parking garage.

"Mister Tullis, sir, you called for me? How may I be of service, your greatness?" Thane said.

Wow, Tullis must've really done a number on Thane, 'your greatness'? He really was full of himself even more then I'd thought. Tullis would've ordered Thane to call him that, he'd have never done it on his own.

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