Chapter 83

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While we were on the return part of our trip, which followed a different path more inland, Merlyn stood up and reached for my hand.

"Come on, something I'd like to show you." He told me.

I gave him my hand and followed with. Was this another birthday surprise? We went upstairs to the next floor up, where we'd started this tour. We ended up outside of a door with leisure 4 on the small plaque on it. Half my mouth moved up in a smile; I was going to get laid again, just without the floor view this time. He held out a keycard to me. I took it and opened the door for us.

The room was small, and clearly made just for fucking like animals in. There was a small wash station in one corner, two chairs, and a bed. Yup, a fuck room, or leisure room to be polite.

"Check this out." Merlyn said then reached for a control box on the wall.

The lights dimmed then the floor lit up. It looked just like the floor in the CCTV room we'd been in.

"They have displays in the floor of each of these rooms, neat huh?" He told me.

"Fuck yeah!" I answered then looked at him with my huge grin. "Thank you, I'm so very sorry about what happened. I really didn't know. Thank you and I love you. This has been the best birthday ever."

He smiled gently. "I know; I'm the one that turned on the lights, lights we didn't actually need. I love you too." He told me, then reached to me and started to caress me and take off my clothes.

While I was on my hands and knees, I could tell it was a display. The TV room had been better view wise, but this was a lot more private and we took our time. I'd need a nap after Merlyn was through with me; he'd need a nap also when I was through with him.

After we were dressed, I looked for something to clean up the mess with, there wasn't much beyond toilet paper and some wet napkin things for your hands. When I mentioned this to Merlyn, all he said was that the cleaning people would take care of that. What a joy that would be for someone's day, cleaning up other people's splooge.

Merlyn opened the door for me and I started out. "You're very welcome. Let us know if there's anything else we can help with." I heard an all too familiar voice saying to someone as I stepped out into the hallway.

I looked the other way then the direction I'd heard the voice from, at least, that was my intention thinking I'd heard her to the left, nope. She was facing left and, well, sound echoes in hallways, sometimes fooling you with the direction of sound. Yup, I turned and started walking right towards the engineer.

She smiled a large toothy grin at us, mostly me, and waved a high hand with the fingers spread out. Hard to believe she wasn't the sissy. Shit! I didn't want my mind to follow that track. I returned a small smile with a little wave and looked away. She didn't say shit to me though, that was good.

"You sure get around for an engineer; whose minding the shop while you're off deck?" Merlyn said to her as he smiled and waved back.

I could've killed him! The last thing I wanted was an extended interaction with the girl whom thought I was a sissy! And probably wanted to stuff my head between her legs then strap on a dong and plunder my treasure. It was awkward enough her seeing us coming out of a fuck room after what happened.

She kept her smile, not quite as professional as when we first met her, as she walked up to us.

"I'm actually the second chief engineer; the first chief doesn't like to leave the engineering hold on day tours, so that duty falls on me unless I'm needed. He's not the social type like I make out to be; honestly, when I become the first chief, I'll do the same thing he does and avoid all the customer service duties on day tours. It's not so bad on a regular tour." She responded.

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