chapter thirty-seven

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They're in a cabin with Bobby and are looking at a map of the states with a tracking device over it.

"So you need a name, that's the whole kid and caboodle. With the right name, right ritual, ain't nothing you can't suss out." Bobby states.

"Like the town Lilith's in?" Sam asks, holding Evie.

"Kid, when I get done, we'll know the street." Bobby says. He begins the ritual until it eventually points to a certain place. "New Harmony, Indiana. And we have a winner."

"Alright. Let's go." Sam says.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on. Let's all shut up there, Tex." Dean says.

"What's the problem?" Sam asks.

""What's the problem"? Come on, where do I begin? I mean, first of all, we don't even know if Lilith holds my deal. We're going off of Bela's intel? Now when that bitch breathes, the air comes out crooked, okay? Second, even if we could get to Lilith, we have no way to gank her. And third, isn't this the same Lilith that wants your giant head on a pike? Should I continue?"

"Ain't you just bringing down the room." Bobby mutters.

"Yeah, well, it's a gift." Dean says.

"I'm sorry, so then what are we supposed to do, Dean?" Sam asks.

"Just cause I gotta die doesn't mean you have to, okay? Either way we go in smart or we don't go in at all." Dean states.

"Okay, fine. If that's the case, I have the answer." Sam says.

"You do?"

"Yeah. A sure fire way to confirm it's Lilith and a way to get us a bona fide demon killing ginsu."

"Damn it, Sam, no."

"We're so past arguing. Dean, I am summoning Ruby."

"The hell you are! We have enough problems as it is."

"Exactly. And we've got no time and no choice either."

"Come on, man, she is the Miss Universe of lying skanks, okay? She told you that she could save me, huh-- lie. She seems to know everything about Lilith but forgot to mention, oh right. Lilith owns my soul!"

"Okay, fine. She's a liar. She's still got that knife."

"Dean." Bobby sighs.

"For all we know, she works for Lilith." Dean says.

"Then give me another option, Dean. I mean, tell me what else." Sam says.

"Sam's right." Bobby states.

"No! Damn it!" Dean yells and Bobby looks at him surprised from the yell. Evie flinches from the volume, especially since she's close to Dean. "Just no. We are not gonna make the same mistakes all over again. You guys wanna save me, find something else."

"Where are you going, Bobby?" Sam asks as the older man grabs his jacket.

"I guess... find something else." Bobby leaves.


The boys are getting ready to leave and Sam is saying bye to Evie.

"Okay, so just, you know, color, play with your dog, whatever. Don't leave the building and don't answer any door. Only answer the cell phone if it's me or Bobby which it should only be. Got it?"

"Got it." Evie nods.

"Okay." Sam sighs, worried about leaving her alone. He kisses her on the head. "I love you."

"I love you, too." Evie smiles at him, trying to cheer him up, sensing his worry. "Happy birthday." Sam lightly chuckles.

"Thanks, pumpkin." Sam says, kissing her temple. "Be good." He gets up and starts to head outside. Dean is about to go outside when Evie runs up to him and crashes into his legs, hugging them. Dean stumbles slightly, looking down and putting a hand on her head.

"What's up, shorty?" Dean asks.

"I just wanted to tell you bye." Evie tells him, looking up at him. Dean softly smiles at her, brushing hair out of her face.

"Thanks, Evie." He mutters. Dean squats down and hugs her tightly and she hugs him back. Dean ignores the sting in his eyes and pushes his tears back, not wanting to cry in front of her. They pull away and Dean smiles at her, brushing her cheek. "Use your puppy eyes to get candy every once in a while." He tells her and she nods.

"I love you." Evie tells him and Dean smiles at her.

"Love you, too, shortcake." He mutters, kissing her forehead.


Sam and Bobby get back to the cabin and Evie is still awake. She gets off the couch, hearing the door open. She sees Bobby and Sam walk in, the latter with tear streaks.

"Did you save Deanie?" Evie asks, although she can somewhat already tell the answer. Sam tries to talk, but can't, going back outside. "Bobby?" Said man squats down in front of her, looking at her sympathetically.

"We couldn't save him, peanut." Bobby softly tells her. The words take a moment to process before Evie breaks down in sobs. Bobby hugs her, letting her cry in his shoulder, and he remembers how they were in this exact position a year ago.

"It'll be okay, peanut. It's all right." Bobby mutters to her, trying to comfort her.

After a little while, Evie-- still crying, but not currently sobbing-- walks outside where Sam is sitting on the ground. She walks over to Sam and waits until he looks at her, knowing she's there, until she does something.

Evie sits on Sam's lap, cuddling into his chest.

"I love you." Evie tells him as he lightly wraps his arms around her. His grip tightens as she says those words.

"I love you, too." Sam mumbles into her hair.

"Don't leave me." Evie says, looking up at him. Sam looks at her.

"Never." He whispers, hugging her tighter.

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