chapter forty-three

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The three are at a bar and are sitting at a table. Dean is downing shots and Evie has a plate of fries she's eating.

"It just doesn't make any sense, Dean. I mean, why would Uriel tell me you remembered Hell if you didn't?" Sam asks.

"Maybe because he's a dick. Might have something to do with it." Dean says.

"Maybe, but he's still an angel." Sam says.

"Yeah, an angel who was ready to level an entire town. Look, I don't know what--" Dean cuts himself off as their waiter walks up.

"Radical. What else can I get you guys?" The waiter asks, overly cheery.

"Uh, I think we're good." Sam tells him.

"Yeah?" The waiter asks.

"Yeah." Sam nods.

"You want to try a couple of fryer bombs? Or a chipotle chili changa?"

"No, no, we're-we're still good." Dean says.

"Okay, awesome." The waiter leaves.

"Sam, honestly, I have no idea why Uriel told you what he did, okay?" Dean says.

"Right." Sam nods as Dean downs another shot.

"What?" Dean asks.

"Okay. Fine. Then look me in the eye and tell me you don't remember a thing from your time down under." Dean looks Sam in the eyes.

"I don't remember a thing from my time down under. I don't remember, Sam!"

"Look, Dean, I just want to help."

"You know everything I do, okay? That's all there is."

"Outstanding." The cheerful waiter returns. "Dessert time? Huh? Am I right?"

"You were only gone 5 seconds." Evie says. Sam nudges her side, giving her one of his parental looks that she hates. "Sorry." She tells the waiter.

"It's all good, little one. So, dessert?" He asks again.

"Dude." Dean sighs.

"Listen, bros, little one. You have got to try our ice cream extreme. It's extreme." The waiter says. Evie looks hopefully at Sam.

"No." He tells her making her pout and he turns back to the waiter. "Uh, no extremities, please. Just the--"

"Check? All right, awesome." The waiter puts the check on the table, walking away.

"Thanks." Sam says.

"All right, so, where do we go from here?" Dean asks.

"I'm not sure. Uh, looks like it's been pretty quiet lately. No signs of demon activity, no omens or portents I can see." Sam says, getting his laptop and some newspapers out.

"That's good news for once." Dean says.

"Yeah, just the typical smattering of crank UFO sightings and one possible vengeful spirit. Here, check this out. Uh... up in Concrete, Washington, eyewitness reports of a ghost that's been haunting the showers of a women's healthy facility." Dean puts his drink down and hurriedly finds money to pay. "This victim claims that the ghost threw her down a flight of stairs." Sam notices Dean hurrying up. "I can see you're very interested."

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