chapter fifty-two

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Sam and Dean are in a rented car and driving and it's nighttime. The radio is on and it's all news so after flipping through channels, Sam eventually turns it off.

"Dean, look--"

"Don't say anything." Dean tells his brother. "It's okay. We just got to keep our heads down and hash this out, all right?"

"Yeah, okay." Sam says.

"And it's probably best we leave Evie at Bobby's for a little bit. Just so maybe nobody comes after them if we were to go there." Dean says.

"Yeah." Sam mumbles. "Is... is she okay?"

"Well, she's missing you." Dean says. "Other than that, she's fine." Dean informs. "Okay, first things first-- how did we end up on Soul Plane?"

"Angels, maybe? I mean, you know, beaming us out of harm's way?" Sam suggests.

"Well, whatever. It's the least of our worries. We need to find Cas." Dean states.


Bobby and Evie get to the motel that the boys are at. They get out of the Impala and head to the room. Bobby knocks on the door and Dean answers it.

"Hey, Bobby." Dean greets. Evie looks past Dean and sees Sam making her immediately grin.

"Daddy!" Evie cheers, running past Dean and to Sam who grins, picking her up and hugging her.

"Hey, pumpkin." Sam greets, kissing the side of her head. "You miss me?"

"Yeah." Evie rapidly nods, still smiling. "Are you all better?"

"I'm better, Evie." Sam assures her. He tickles her side with his free hand making her giggle.

"Good to see you boys all in one piece." Bobby says, smiling a little at the father/daughter reunion. He hugs Sam as Dean shuts the door.

"You weren't followed, were you?" Dean asks.

"You mean by angels, demons, or Sam's new superfan?" Bobby asks and Sam laughs.

"You heard." Sam says.

"I heard, Romeo. So... Sword of Michael, huh?" Bobby asks.

"You think we're talking about the actual sword from the actual archangel?" Dean asks.

"You better friggin' hope so." Bobby says.

~ ~ ~

Bobby and Sam are sitting at the table with Evie on the latter's lap and Dean is standing next to Bobby.

"That's Michael." Bobby points to a painting in the book. "Toughest son of a bitch they got."

"You kidding me? Tough? That guy looks like Cate Blanchett." Dean says.

"Well, I wouldn't want to meet him in a dark alley, believe me. He commands the heavenly host. During the last big dust up upstairs, he's the one who booted Lucifer's ass to the basement. Did it with that sword." Bobby says. "So if we can find it..."

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