Chapter 14

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Marinette followed Damian indoors and both entered the library. It was a beautiful area. With large windows offering as much light as possible.

Damian left Marinette and told Alfred he and Marinette would like tea.

And when he came back, Marinette was quickly scribbling away on her worksheets. But soon, she stopped when a 'ping' was heard.

She pulled out her phone and it was a message from Lila.

Marinette, Paris' condition is getting worse. Hawkmoth is destroying everything and now our hidden places are getting destroyed as well. So I'm on my way right now because Paris has become a huge war zone. Chat Noir is almost dead and Ladybug still hasn't shown up.-Lila

Well I hope you have a safe trip here. And I'll let my uncle know you'll be staying with me. Also, I'm sure Ladybug will show up soon.-Marinette

Marinette had a worried look but soon replaced it with a smile. She started thinking of something else.

'Damian, the talent show is tomorrow night, right'?

"It is".

'good. Then i know how to get his attention'.

"How would you do that"?

'when we started spending more time together, we thought on visiting the local orphanage. And the children obviously were always so happy with our visits. When we heard of the talent show, we both thought, why not let them be a part of this. It was something for everyone to see'.

"Hmm, and, what were their talents" ?

'oh, they are such great actors with bright imaginations. So, they're going to make a play. With a bit of our help. Of course. Meaning, is two. Tim will be busy to even bother showing up anyways. But, he'll see what our children have done'.

"Your children"?

'yes, we officially imagined we adopted them all'.

" I see".

Alfred came in with two cups of tea, a teapot, and cookies.

"Master Damian, miss Marinette, the tea and cookies are here".

" thank you, Alfred ". Said Damian.

Marinette sighed as well and Damian spoke again.

" she also thanks you".

"I'm not dumb, master Damian" . Damian's eyes just widened.

"I'm just !easing with you" .

Alfred left and Marinette then said,

'I don't think he was messing with you'.

"Me neither".

Their day continued and soon, Alfred drove Marinette away. Tim was secretly stalking the two and was very sure she was gone. Not from the manor, but from his heart's grasp.

The next day soon followed and another day waisted in classes. Both Marinette and Damian went inside the car Alfred was driving and asked to go to the orphanage.

Alfred complied and they all headed for the place.

Soon, after arriving, Marinette pulled Damian along and dragged him indoors. Or also known as the reception area.

" good afternoon Marinette! Here to see the children"?

Marinette nodded.

"And, who's that"? The woman asked.

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