Chapter 25

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Everyone started running out of the hospital and Marinette made everyone go.

She went underground to the cooler, or, the place all dead bodies were placed at and found her dead partner.

'Adrien '?

Instead of seeing him in his Cat costume, she saw him in his civilian form. And, she was freaking out. A lot.

First of all, this guy could not be her partner. It had to be a mistake. Second of all, if it really was him, how could he have still kept the black cat miraculous after all he did. And lastly, couldn't master Fu just gotten rid of the entire body if it was him? It obviously would've been better.

But right now, she decided she'd do something she would never find possible now after discovering her partners identity.

She hugged him. She hugged him tightly. He was cold, heavy, pale. His lips were almost blue and when she opened one of his eyes, they didn't have that beautiful green color she once loved so much.

Instead, she saw a more faded shade of green.

She caressed him just a bit, but only because it would be the last time before she took him away.

He was in nothing but a sheet.

A plain white sheet.

She could feel herself moving and wrapping her hands around his back and legs. And she knew she wasn't doing this but Tikki.

Tikki was the one helping her focus on the job. And her job, was to take his body out into the ocean. It was his wish. Just like it was hers.

Just in case either died, they'd hope to be taken to the ocean. Sink down to the bottom, and just disappear.

But now that she thought of it, how was she supposed to make it to the ocean? The stupid metal walls were in the way.

So she thought of something else. Or, it was Tikki's knowledge just going through Marinette's brain.

She grabbed her partner closely and ran out the cooler and heard the walls cracking. The lights themselves started flickering but they promised each other they would make it to the ocean. And she wasn't one to break promises.

She heard more cracking and she started worrying a lot. A few windows started breaking due to the pressure the walls were having on it and the escape doors were so close.

But that's when the top part of the hospital weakened and started crashing down. Marinette heard this and did her best to run as fast as she could.

But with the additional weight of Adrien, the closest exit seemed way to far and there was such little time.

But she made it out. She had to. And she was determined which was why she made it out.

Though, it was probably thanks to Tikki's luck. Without her, both Adrien and her would be crushed under a huge pile of gravel definitely not surviving.

When she made it out, her eyes started hurting to the point she had to put Adrien's body down to run her eyes.

The light outside was really bright. So many reds and oranges. A bit of yellow but it literally looked like hell. So much smoke. Fires adorning the streets. Weapons on every single persons side. Blood splattered across walls.

And lastly, what she saw almost everywhere scared her.


They were everywhere, eating the dead bodies that were lying around. It really scared her. She's never seen such things.

So she ran before they went after Adrien. He could not be one of their victims. No he couldn't.

She soon realized she could just swing away so she pulled out her yoyo and it grabbed into a pole. She pulled herself away and she went flying over the many rooftops and such.

She basically left the main central part of the entire country.

And after about a half hour of 'yoyoing' away, she made it right out of the heavy metal walls. She looked up to see the people and they all looked normal. Calm. And so very innocent. Each and every one of them.

What was happening in the walls was awful. It was as if everyone started showing their most deepest sides. It's like they no longer followed deals but acted freely.

It's like their whole lives, they've been waiting for this moment to come.

Everyone has both a demon and an angel in them. Most people try to stay balanced. Some are more focused with their Angel spirit while others with their demon side.

But we all know it's our demons that want more attention. And we favor them way more than our angels.

It was like if all these people were the Jokers children or something. They've all gone mad. Maybe a bit more.

Marinette did her best to stay calm and feel her tranquility sink in, but she just couldn't focus on anything at the moment. She knew she wasn't done with anything yet.

But first, she looked around at random people and spotted some guy that just really seemed perfect for the small favour she needed someone to do for her.

So she walked up to him with Adrien's body over her. Not really the best site to see, but she didn't care.

She tapped the guys shoulder and he turned away from his phone to look up to her.

"OH MY!!! EEEEEEEEEH YOU JUST TOUCHED ME"!!!!! This guy was the most craziest fan ever. And now that she studied him closely, she deeply regretted it. But she knew he would understand.

She positioned Adrien to where the guy could see him and he gasped in horror.

" Is, is that, Adrien "?

Marinette nodded with a sad expression.

" i-I can't believe this. He, he's dead"?

'yes. And I want YOU to do a favour for me'.

He nodded while looking at his dead friend.

'I want you to watch over him for a while until I defeat Hawkmoth. Would you be able to do that for me'?

He nodded and Marinette gave him the body.

'I'm sure Adrien appreciates this Wayhem '

With that, she zipped away using her yoyo.

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