Chapter 23

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"That really is something you shouldn't be keeping from him then". Damian looked up at her and smiled. Not his typical smirks or weird creepy smiles, but a smile only a real friend would give.

A comforting smile.

She looked up at him and gave him a tight hug.

Her mother was always the affectionate type, and loved hugs as much as she. No matter how unbelievable that may have sounded. Marinette herself adored physical touch, but feared it at the same time.

'so you think I should really tell him'?

" I'm sure you have to tell him. He loves you and has since the day he first properly laid eyes on you. And the next time he falls, it'll have to be an exact replica of you. Nobody understands fashion the way you do. He is all about style and trends. I don't even choose my clothing. Almost none of us do. Tim is the one that dresses us up. So you have to tell him".

'you're a great friend Damian. I really appreciate your approval. It means a lot'.

"That's why things happen. I'll bring Tim over".

Marinette nodded.

Damian left the room and found a grumpy Tim. Arms crossed and all that stuff.

" she wants to see you"

"Are you talking to me, Timothy Jackson Drake? Or, someone that goes by another name" .

"She wants YOU" .

Everyone's eyes just opened wider than the usual and Damian just realized what he just said.

"I uh meant to say she wanted to see you, Tim". Literally everyone's eyes were still super wide and opened but it all soon started dying down a bit.

Tim got up and left for her bedroom a bit nervous. He wanted to see her, but he was scared of the things she would confess to him. Like, probably finally liking Damian.

Tim quickly reached the door and saw her. She was in her hero form. But it made sense. She couldn't risk anything.

The moment she saw him enter, she straightened up in a sitting position and felt her lips curling up. But, a bit too high to the fact she looked like a creepy weirdo.

" Hey, uhm, I'm here, as you can see. I'm sure you can see. Uhm, you wanted to see me? We of course you did, that's why I'm here. UGHHHH"?!

Marinette wished to laugh but couldn't. It'd be stupid to even try. But she definitely proved to him how ridiculous he looked by telling him herself and shaking of silent laughter. Actually, the only sound she would be able to make, would be some weird awful cracking sound. And this was the world's least favorite sound ever.

'Tim '?

"Yeah" ?

'come over here'.

He walked over to her and sat on her bed. Pretty close to her.

'so, I talked with Damian about something. And he approved of my feelings'. She paused but quickly shook her hands realizing how that must've sounded like to Tim.

'but, he approved of the feelings I have for you, Tim. Staying in this stupid bed and morning over my friend has helped me realize how much I really depended on you. I would never find my happiness with another the way I found it with you. I love you Tim. I love you to the point I've gone crazy making up stupid unrealistic scenarios with you. And I'll keep living you because I want t-'

Tim slammed his lips onto her and started kissing her with an immense amount of passion. He's had his fair share of unrealistic scenarios as well. But he was finally able to live one of them now.

And after a while of all that kissing, Marinette gently pushed Tim away.

'don't worry, I just need to release my transformation. I'm sure it's time'.

Marinette pulled out her yoyo and pressed on the black dots with a secret combination. She was now detransformed and Tikki looked awful.

'Tim, go over to that tray and bring those macaroons '.

He quickly did all that but was actually quite horrified. That thing was super scary in his opinion. IT FLEW OUT OF HER EARS FOR CRYING OUT LOUD !!!

Anyways, Tim watched as Marinette fed her bug thing the macaroons and soon, it started floating.

Tikki was bright light red once again and looked sad.

"Marinette, I'll go and retrieve Plagg. Then I'll return him to master fu. But I'll go get Trixx first. So it'll be an hour or so". And with that, Tikki left. She was planning on using Trixx do her illusions on Adrien so nobody would know his real identity. And the good thing, no one was allowed to touch him anymore. Ladybug's orders.

" So, you transform using that big mouse thingy"?

Marinette nodded.

After Marinette's detransformation, she was just left in a mint green hospital gown.

"Now, where were we"?

Marinette leaned into him and started kissing him while he returned each and everyone of those kisses. He trailed both his hands down her waist and managed to start kissing down her neck.

A lot of even weirder stuff happened and eventually the two fell asleep with Marinette on top off Tim.

As long as no children entered, everything was fine.

Some time later, Bruce and Felix decided to enter for some reason. The two looked at the tiny couple and Felix almost shrieked.

" Bruce, tell your kid to wake up and get away from my kid".

"Well, if you think even deeper, then they're both mine". Said Bruce in a matter of fact tone.

" Well, if you think even deeper, then you'll realize that Marinette is legally my kid".

Bruce frowned and gave Felix his famous Bat glare.

"Your crappy glare won't work on me. Now wake your idiot boy up and take him somewhere else to sleep, cause my kid, needs her rest".

Bruce started mumbling utter randomness but picked Tim up. That is, until Tim started screaming.

" LEAVE ME ALONE!! GAHHHHH"!!!! Tim started kicking and thrashing in Bruce's arms so he quickly threw Tim back into the bed.

"If you want to get him off, go ahead. I'm leaving".

Felix sighed and decided he'd let Tim be. For right now. But before he left, he made sure all curtains were closed and turned off the lights.

It was time to tell Talia before someone else got to her. Not about Marinette, but about Tim

Fun facts

So my new house place, when it rains, the day after smells like freakin cow shit. That's something I really don't like. But there is a LOT of mud. So that's good in my opinion. MUD CAKES!!! I still get my hands dirty.

My dad despises his parents while my mom just doesn't like her mom. And basically, I was made so they could be free. I was their escape resource, but the more I think about, the more interesting it is.


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