Chapter 8

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Thank you to @MademoiselleLunessa for your theory. The picture above is for you from me. HEHEHE. And, don't take it to personally, I've always wanted to do this on this platform to someone. Or maybe I shouldn't. And purple, because I don't think I've ever seen a purple person. Maybe a grape person, but not purple. And if anyone wants to be next, just say so. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Marinette wrote down the directions of her uncle's place and the woman quickly dragged Marinette back in the car and the two left.

"You know, you're still as beautiful as I remember. How long has it been I seen you"?

Marinette wasn't going to tell her at all.

" Right, about 11 years ago. You were just a five year old and recently met my dear brother. And anyways, how is he. You haven't been here long now have you".

Marinette shook her head no.

"And, I'm sorry about your voice, it wasn't my intention to letting things go that far".

Marinette looked at the window in her side. Thinking, why would they even do what they did to her. It was unnecessary. Right after the deal. And, she remembered the memory quite clearly.


Marinette was recently escorted to her bedroom right by her mother's and that's when he entered.

The man walked up to her and did his worst. Not rape or that, but he asked. And she quickly declined.

Her mother has always told her of what she should answer to every situation. And this, the request the man asked for was something she wished just didn't exist.

The man was mad. Furious even.

" you know what? If I can't hear you, then no one can".

He grabbed her neck and strangled the small five year old. She tried yelling for help but her voice started failing on her until not a single whimper was heard.

The marks on her neck turned to dark purple bruises and after the medics arrived to check on her, it was clear her vocal cords were almost ripped apart. They were damaged, and when they were attacked, some months later, she tried speaking. Humming even. But, nothing came out.

Instead, an excruciating pain would emit from her tries on some sound.

And after being taken by the French, it was obvious sound was no longer a part of her, but something that wasn't much needed in the first place

Flashback ends

Soon, the car came to a complete stop and they were right in front of Felix's house.

"Tell me he's come back from work".

Marinette nodded 'no'.

" Hmm, well then you open the door".

Marinette started signing in Arabic. It was easier for her mother to read.

'I don't have the keys to this place. Only my uncle does'.

"Well, that certainly does prevent teen parties. Okay then".

Some time later, Felix arrived and opened the doors to his home. Marinette was probably over with Tim. So he turned on the lights to the living area and saw two sitting figures.

" Talia "

"YES! You haven't forgotten me yet now, have you my dear brother"?

" No, I haven't ". He said in his serious tone.

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