Chapter 24

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Talia was in France. Yes, she's been there for quite a while. But now, she was in Paris. And very close to the hospital her daughter was located in. So far, after all of those days, she was sure almost everything out of her way.

Most people fighting their way to the center never really made it. They were either attacked or stuff. Eaten alive even.

France was honestly no longer the same. More and more people were somehow able to get Akumatized day and night. Fearing their reality. But seriously, who wouldn't. This was greatly taken to Hawkmoth's advantage known as Gabriel Agreste.

But, he didn't know his son was dead. He's had no time to even bother asking about him. Nathalie herself was Mayura at the moment and has been for many days. The two villains have been in their villain forms for a lot of days no longer caring for the health of their Kwami's. They've discovered ways to use them in different ways. And much more helpful too. Exploitation has always existed. So why not exploit Kwami's.

The next day passed and most of Marinette's visitors were still there outside her bedroom not really going anywhere. The hospital was the safest place. And it wasn't a really crowded place because not many really even made it.

An old man entered the building and spoke with the receptionist at the lobby.

"In what room may Ladybug be located at? I have very important matters to discuss with her. And she's been expecting me anyways".

" Room 75-G on floor 56, sir".

"Thank you very much ma'am" .

The man entered an elevator and went up to the 56th floor and took many random turns and entered through random doors until he saw a large group of people in front of one room.

"Is that room miss Ladybug's room"?

" Yes, who's asking"? Said Felix

"The guardian of the miraculous is asking".?

" Well, she seems to be asleep still".

"No worries. I know exactly when she'll wake up".

Master Fu entered her room not caring if he was given permission or not. He was the guardian after all. He deserves to enter.

He saw a boy laying by her and master Fu walked towards him specifically.

" May the curse not affect your children". He said.

Random colors filled the room and attacked poor Tim going to various places but in the end, all ending up at one certain spot. We call that his baby generator.

Tim started fidgeting around and quickly woke up feeling something magical. He could almost see the pixie dust.

But he slapped himself multiple times telling himself that pixie dust just didn't exist. (Well I think it does😄😄😄)

He fully woke up and the first thing he saw was the old man.

"Who are you. And what did you do to Lewi". Said an overprotective Tim.

" who's Lew- you know what. Forget it. I'm the great guardian of the miraculous and am here to speak with Marinette. It's over something very important ".

" Oh, well, I can tell her".

"You won't understand it".

" Oh please. You have the world's next Einstein in your face".

Master Fu sighed but decided to give him the information. Tim really showed him how big his ego really was. A little too big actually.

The moment master Fu started speaking was when Marinette finally woke up. But, she stayed silent. And Tim really had no idea what he was saying.

"And that's the last of it. Please remember to use precise words when speaking about this or she will not understand it. Thank you for being such a good boy son. Tell her I came by".

Tim turned for a second and this gave master Fu the chance to wink at Marinette. Honestly, the entire scene was pretty funny for her.

Master Fu left laughing on his way out but suddenly, the alarms started blaring.

The building was being attacked and fired at. Pieces from the took were falling and the building itself started shaking.

It was all just awful.

Tim turned to Marinette and quickly 'woke' her up.

" Look, some short guy in a Hawaiian shirt came and told me to tell you that uhm, miraculous recovery? And Uhm to merge yourself and the floor? And, powering up? Yeah. That's what he said".

Marinette quickly nodded in 'understanding', and did what she heard the master say.

'Tim, I'll need you to say something'.

"What is it"?

'say Tikki, Marinette, unify '. She signed.

" Tikki, Marinette, unify"?

And that's when it happened. Tikki was sucked into marinette. Not her earrings as always, but into her body.

She was still wearing her Ladybug costume, but there were now two beings in one. Making Marinette very powerful.

'and to help me divide, just say Tikki, Marinette, divide. But don't say it now. Please tell everyone to exit this hospital'.

Marinette was still in pain due to the explosion some weeks ago, but it didn't feel as bad now that Tikki was also part of her.

Talia ran across dozens of rooftops but was soon stopped by Felix.

"Talia, wait. If Marinette does get married, will her partner have to proceed with the process of can we make an exception for once".

" Felix, you know even if we skipped it, it would eventually happen. But more pain would be involved. That's why we follow the procedure".

"Well, she has a partner".

" Who".

"Timothy Drake. The soft one".

" Oh no".

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