Chapter 9

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This is for you 1LoveTooManyFandoms. I hope you like it. 😊😊😊

After dinner, Marinette took off to her bedroom while Tim decided it was now time he too left.

And, a few more hours passed and Marinette went out. Like all of the other past nights she's been out. Taking a walk in the dark. That's all she's ever wished for since her beginning.

And, Marinette started thinking deeply. Not noticing where exactly she was walking as always.


There was a boy standing right by Ra's. He looked just like Talia. Same eyes and skin. And right in front of them, we're Talia and Marinette.

"Father, please. You can't just do that to me".

" I'm not having her as a granddaughter. She's not good in any ways. THIS, boy besides me, is what I would call grandson. He deserves that title more than your worthless bastard. So like I said, you take him in, or I kill her right here and now. Wait, YOU, kill her here and now. So choose".

Talia looked down at her daughter and grabbed one of her small frail hands.

"I'm sorry once again dear". And with that, Talia let her hand go and stood besides the boy.

" He is now considered your son. I'm taking the girl away".

"No. We had a deal".

" Yes, I never said I was going to kill her now. But, I'll just give her one chance to prove to me. But, I doubt she'll be just as good as him".

He took a small pause and spoke once again.

"Damian, you must acknowledge her as your mother, as you are now my grandson and heir to the demons head".


"What about him. He doesn't deserve anything Talia. Stupid boy. That's all he is".

" what about mother".

"Oh who cares what she thought about him. That woman is gone. It's just me now. And if I say Damian's the heir, then I mean it. Now go and show him to his new quarters. It'll be his from now on".

Ra's grabbed Marinette and took her away.

Flashback ends

" CIVILIAN PERSON!!! WATCH OUT"!!! Marinette was swooped off her feet and was now flying. Marinette looked at the idiot snatching her away and noticed it was one of Gotham's vigilantes. Red Robin to be exact.

And soon, the two landed on some rooftop.

Marinette realized then she was gripping on to him and quickly let go. And taking a few steps back, she started studying him. And boom. It all soon clicked.

'Tim' she signed.

"Uh, i-I don't know who's Tim. I-I mean, what did you do with your hands or, I don't understand sign language" ?

"What the hell Red Robin" !! Yelled Jason through the comms.

'take off the mask'.

"Are you crazy mysterious civilian? I can't do th- fine". And with that, Tim took off his mask. And, Marinette happily smiled.

'you know, you're an awful liar. But thank you'.

" your right. And, your welcome. You were about to die".


" Tt, shut up Red Hood, he's talking to Marinette".

"You mean the idiot that turned him into an even bigger idiot"?

" Her exactly".

"Well, B, I'm off to go meet this lovely girl".

And with that, Jason threw his earpiece away and took off to find his younger brother.


And with this, Alfred, Bruce and the other Batboys face palmed. And then Jason found Tim and his lady friend.

"Great, you must be the girl that makes him go crazy. Marinette right"? He said.

Marinette started at Tim while Tim scratched his neck giving her a cheeky smile.

Marinette nodded towards Red Hood and faced Tim.

'so, will you take me home'?

" Right. Red Hood, I'm off to take this mysterious civilian back to her home".

And with that, both Jason and Marinette sighed. Probably annoyed. And Tim took Marinette away. Back to her home. Right through the window.

"There. Now, go do whatever and sleep. I have to go before your uncle sees me and g-"

"Oh, I see you". Felix stepped out of Marinette's closet and walked toward the window where Tim was standing.
" and now, I don't ". Felix pushed Tim out the window and shut it tightly.

"There. No more birdies disturbing you my dear". And an oof sound was heard coming from outside .

"I'm okay" .

The next day, it was another school day and this time, Marinette was in symphonic band at this time. Lunch already went by, so, that's why.

Apparently, everyone was told to make their own solos. Compose their own pieces. And Marinette was up. But was interrupted by the door slamming open by the one and only Timothy Drake.

Why him when we could've had the janitor instead, thought Marinette.

"Ooh, are you here with the papers? Yes? Wonderful" !

The teacher quickly grabbed the pile of papers from Tim and sniffed them.

"These smell wonderful. Class, in about two weeks, we're heading off to a music competition. And, I'll be explaining later on after the solos.

Young boy, would you like to stay and listen to a few of these? I'm sure your teachers won't mind".

" Oh, sure"! This was every person's dream. Getting away from their teachers for a bit.

"Great, right now, we're going to listen to Marinette. Marinette, please tell us the name and what this represents if possible".

Luckily, this room had a huge white board so Marinette started scribbling down.

So, my composition is called Felix. Like my father. It is made up of 16 measures and is played in 3/4 time signature. And, it's basically his personality.

And with that, Marinette picked up her instrument known as the flute and played the short solo. It was quite simple, but with the different dynamics, it was beautiful.

And Tim, oh, the poor boy kept on falling. Even if Felix had told him it'd never work.

And with that, Tim left. And, he didn't seem happy. He left off to the bathrooms and cried. Why? Well because of how great she was. And how Felix had a point. He definitely wasn't her type.

So maybe giving up would be the best choice for him.

Fun facts

Did you all know I played flute? My instrument is a variety of different shades of blue.

Did you also know I don't like the color blue. But my instrument is blue anyways? Well, apparently, when I wanted my instrument in a different color, the only color available was blue. And, I was an idiot many years ago. So yeah.

And, my baby brother. Or, the child, he's always silent. And I'm glad for that. Because if he were the ones that never stopped crying, well, a murder would have been recorded by my area.

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