Chapter 18

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Marinette quickly boarded her plane passage and took a seat. The plane was quite empty and first class was pretty unnecessary.

Tim soon realized she was boarding a flight, and France to be exact. He wasn't sure why she was going but he was sure Damian knew. Tim didn't really have to know why she was leaving, but he wanted to.

He basically didn't get what she was mentioning earlier. He didn't realize she was saying she was leaving and staying in France. But, wasn't there some major war going on?

Tim had no idea.

And after about almost half an hour, the plane was now moving. Taking for lift off. Marinette was now thousands of meters high and Tim as well. But in another plane. He had some business to attend to in Fiji.

Apparently, some guy had made a really good proposal on certain software and it was definitely worth a shot to go and visit the guy in person.

So basically, Marinette was going north while Tim was going south. Marinette was on the second last plane that would even make its way near France she to the destruction happening but this is what she was going for. She wanted to fix everything and hope her mother wasn't already there.

Because if Talia found Marinette in France, specifically Paris, heart of the war, Talia would ship Marinette out of the entire continent and make her go back home. And somehow, she'll convert her own daughter into some criminal only to keep her away from France. But that would only be if the two bumped into each other or if Talia would even be there.

Marinette pulled out the box she dropped and Tim had given her. She inspected the designs and remembered the first time she saw the box. Back in her bedroom in the bakery while still living with her adopted parents. They looked so kind. They seemed like the people that took every child in.

But after friending Lila, everything changed for the bad. Marinette remembered the day she found this small box in her bedroom, it was the day she found Lila. She found her getting yelled at. Being told awful things.

Things that could break even her mother's heart. Well, Lila's. She was being pushed by her classmates. There was one time when she even found her classmates encouraging Lila to just jump off the school. At least they didn't say the Eiffel tower, that would just take thing to the next level.

When Marinette first opened the box, she saw a very bright light. Blinding. Probably a mini sun, was her first guess. But after a few seconds, the light faded away and left only a small little ladybug creature. It looked to be less than five inches.

And soon, it opened its eyes and spoke.

Marinette smiled at the memory. The way she freaked out and caught it in a glass cup.

How she yelled for her stepmother to come help. The entire experience was quite traumatizing but amusing at the same time. Definitely unforgettable. But she freaked out the most when the thing called her by her name.

Now that, that was scary.

Marinette put the box away and looked out the window. All she could see were clouds and a very bright blue sky. The sun was on the opposite side of where she was sitting and she decided to actually walk around the plane since it was now safe to unbuckle herself. Most of the passengers in first class were enjoying breakfast but she wasn't hungry.

Just seeing Tim made her stomach drop, so adding food would be useless. It'd all come back up after all.

Marinette wasn't really looking for anything but stretching her legs for a bit. She didn't bring her phone and somehow, she kind of regretted leaving it in the first place. But she didn't want to get calls or tracked. And she made it quite clear to Lila somehow saying she was going to France even if she didn't verbally say it.

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