Chapter 3

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"We get it Timmy. You have a crush". Said a bored Jason. Tim violently started nodding his head and jumped around Jason's bedroom.

" She is sooo pretty. And and and, her hair, it's almost like, I don't know. I sit next to her in first period and, ugh, that girl is definitely something".

"Yeah, I can tell. NOW GO"!! Yelled Jason while pointing at the door.

Tim left and Jason was soon free.

" Jesus Christ, doesn't that idiot know how to sleep or something "?

Tim went running around the manor shouting about his strong feelings for the girl. Not really caring about anything. He soon ran down to the kitchen and quickly prepared himself a quick cup of coffee and sat down alone at the kitchen island.

" Cheers to my beloved coffee. And for myself". Tim sipped his coffee and quickly threw the cup right out the window.

"Sorry, but your disgusting. ALFRED" !!!

The next day

The two boys entered the limo and were quickly driven away by Alfred. There was a car already at the front, so the boys had to step out a few feet from where they used to.

Damian grumbled but left. Tim followed and the person in the other car was none other than Marinette. Damian saw her walk out and he glared.

First, she aims for his attitude. And now, Alfred's drop of spot? Well, Damian took it quite personally, although, Alfred doesn't mind.

Tim stared at the girl. Her pigtails bouncing every time she took a step forward. And Alfred noticed. He sighed and left. While Felix, he just couldn't help himself but take a picture of Tim completely drooling over her. It was just too much. And, who knew when the next opportunity could come.

Felix left and our wonderful school day, begun.

Marinette walked up to her first period without having to use her map or schedule. She entered the class and the teacher greeted her.

"Good morning Marinette" . Said the teacher.

Marinette waived a bit and took her seat in the back right in the middle. And soon came the two Wayne's.

"Good morning Tim, Damian" .

Tim smiled and ignored the teacher. He quickly took his seat by Marinette and Damian tried to stay on the edge of the bench.

"Hi, my name's Timothy but you can call me Tim" . Marinette wasn't looking at him a while ago. But she decided she'd look at him. So she slowly turned her head in his direction and stared. He looked happy. A bit too, happy.

"So, what's your name"?

Marinette turned her head away and looked forward towards the board.

Tim didn't like that. A bunch of other students started filing in and soon, classes started. And for once, Tim didn't fall asleep. He was wide awake and only stared at Marinette.

" your so beautiful ".

The teacher stopped everything she was doing and so did the class. Everyone stared at Tim and Marinette. Marinette raised her hand and the teacher nodded.

Maybe the others didn't know, but most of Marinette's teachers have learned a bit of Marinette's secret signs. One hand raise could mean almost anything. But it all depended on her face expressions. Maybe a slight glare or anything. It all had its own meaning. And it was all learnt by the principal herself telling them all of what everything would mean to Marinette.

" Damian, please can you stand up. Marinette needs to go somewhere".

Damian abruptly got out of his seat and Marinette quickly got up. She walked out the class and sat by the wall. She was getting flashbacks of her past. The man that ruined her. The man who was still after her.

She took in some deep breaths and decided to return back to class. But decided to have a bit more time to herself.

"Tim, I think you should have kept that to yourself". Said the teacher.

" but I thought I did"? Said Tim.

"Hmm, I'll go talk to her. But everyone heard you Tim" . She smiled at her student and decided to go speak with Marinette.

The teacher walked out of the class and bent down to Marinette's height.

"Is there anything you'd like to talk about"?

Students on the inside of the class started standing on their desks trying to peek on the conversation happening on the other side.

Marinette nodded and started doing some weird hand motions because the teacher didn't know sign language.

Marinette pointed to the teacher, than back at herself and started scooting away. Marinette put a hand on her shoulder and did everything possible so the teacher understood she didn't like being touched. And words of affection took her down.

And after a while of weird hand motions, the teacher understood.

" So I'm guessing this class being mostly made up of boys doesn't help". Stated the teacher. Marinette nodded and the teacher smiled.

"Don't worry. We'll try to make things go smoothly and set a few more rules. I like knowing all of my students feel safe". Marinette smiled a bit but went back to her usual plain bored expression.

The two ladies walked in and once again, Damian had to get up and let Marinette go by. He didn't like this at all.

Tim looked at Marinette and thought back to what the teacher had said. Something about feeling uncomfortable. And, he definitely did not want to be shunned by her. He didn't like the idea of it anyways.

The teacher sent out some of the classwork that was to be completed in class. But she also said they could all sit where ever they wanted. So that happened and Marinette was kicked out of her seat.

Not literally, but some boys decided to take over the back. And Damian had already moved somewhere else. So it was best to also move as well.

She ended up at the other back bench of the class seated by the Tim boy that said some real good crap a bit earlier. But this time, he was stuck in the middle bench.

everyone scribbled away on their tablets and a lot of people were soon done. Tim was one of the first to finish and he decided he'd look at Marinette. But then he turned to the other side and Damian was just glaring back at him.

" What do you want"? Tim asked. He wanted to seem kind. Maybe that's what Marinette would like. Nice people.

Damian glared back at Tim and stared back at the screen.

"I know you need help". Said Tim.

Damian secretly pinched Tim on his arm and spoke.

" I don't need your help, Drake ". Damian let go of Tim's flesh and kept on thinking of another way to actually find the solution to the problem he was currently on.

Marinette heard Tim's voice and could tell, he wanted to gain her attention. But no. She didn't want to waste her time on this idiot. Or, that's what she thought. She didn't really know anyone.

The bell to this class soon ended and everyone left. Marinette being the first one out because everyone quickly understood, she, was the ruler around here. Maybe she hadn't noticed what she commenced, but she's been gaining a lot of people along the way. And Damian, he noticed and it infuriated him.

The empire he has come to build over the course of his time here, it was crumbling. All of his once loyal subjects, betraying him for some idiot trying to take over his life.

Obviously, his subjects were the people that were afraid of him. His empire, once all attention on him, and the idiot, all she had to do was enter this school and act like him. She was basically telling all of these idiots that they too, could be better than him.

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